GNTM 3: Konstantinos walked in high heels and ‘freaked out’ the judges – TV


The third round of GNTM premiered on Monday night (09/07) on Star, with a crowd of boys and girls parading in front of the judges to win a shot.

Konstantinos Melissas from Thessaloniki was another boy who wanted to try his hand at GNTM 3 and claim the big title among many other boys and girls.

The young man from Thessaloniki is dedicated to theater, dance, music and gymnastics, but he is also very interested in fashion, so he decided to go to a reality show.

Konstantinos, 28, was liked by the judges, who commented that she has a very good gait, movement and positive energy, while saying she would like to help open the market for plus size models.

In the end, youcandidate rose to her high heels and gave the judges an impressive catwalk, while they in turn gave her four “yes”.

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