Evritania: 53 years old shot his brother while hunting


In critical condition the brother who received the bullet just above the eye

He is being treated in critical condition. 52 years since Evrytania, WHO It was shot by mistake of 53 year old brother of during hunting. The incident occurred on Saturday morning. December 26 near the village Ovens the law Evritania.

In accordance with lamiareport, a group of hunters from the village Domiansincluding both brothers, had gone hunting Wild pig in Ovens. At some point it is said that the 53-year-old man Shooting some prey, but the bullet was expelled and hit his brother right above the eye.

The wounded man was initially transferred to the General Hospital Karpenisi, where he was intubated, while his state of health was considered extremely serious. For this reason it was considered necessary to transport it to Lamia Hospital be hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit. According to the article, the Karpenisi Security Department is examining the exact causes of the incident.

It should be noted that today Saturday, December 26, is the first day that hunting and fishing are allowed again in the country.
