Why Europe and the US remain indifferent to Turkey’s aggressive tactics – Economic interests, “gifts” to the Sultan and the role of our country – Why an immediate reinforcement in armaments is required.
See Turkey insist on aggressive tactics against Greece, constantly issuing NAVTEX for research on the Greek continental shelf, asking demilitarization of the Greek islands and directly threatening war, do we really wonder how and who fuels this “sultan” behavior? Why do Europeans continue to “pet” it, and why does the United States insist on doing it gently?
We have often wondered how it is possible that the countries that belong to the narrow core of NATO, and more specifically United States, Germany and Italy, be indifferent to the neo-Ottoman maximalism of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. How can the head of the Euro-Atlantic Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg himself, insist on the irrational equal distance policy even when the very existence of the alliance is questioned.
As we discussed in a previous article, the cause may be behind them Turkey’s economic relations with European countries. Having particularly developed the so-called armament diplomacy With strong European powers and having indebted his European banks, Erdogan can trust that they will not spoil the deals for the good of Greece, not even at the next Summit.
As for the US, of course, they would never want Turkey, a country of such geopolitical and geostrategic importance, pass into … Putin’s hands. It is a country of 90 million inhabitants, occupies an area that connects and controls three continents and is next to Iran.
How Turkey became a giant
One of the toughest geopolitical games has been going on in the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East for years. This particular point on the world map is by no means accidental; the stakes are high. From controlling the world’s oil and gas deposit to reducing the influence of Russia-Iran-China in the region.
In this tough geopolitical poker, Turkey was one of the strongest cards. For many years he was under the influence of the West. She did the dirty work, did her shopping, received her “gifts” and everyone was happy.
During Erdogan’s presidency, however, Turkey decided to mutate and become a role player. So it began to equip itself more and more, to produce ammunition, and to steadily rise to the top of the list of the most powerful forces in NATO. But beyond expanding its military power, Erdogan’s Turkey has gone haywire. using Muslim religion in parallel to fanaticize millions of Muslims who promised jihad to disbelieving Westerners. Turkey’s constant attempt to influence the heart of major European cities, mainly through the instrumentalization of religion, is visible even to the most ignorant. Recent ones, after all terrorist attacks in France and Austria, which took place immediately after President Erdogan’s verbal threats, prove the veracity of the speech.
We also remind you that Turkey, while it was a member of NATO The “cooks” change at the geopolitical level, together with Russia who, of course, rolls his eyes to serve his own interests. It already uses Russian equipment and claims, in violation of any notion of ethics and international law, parts from other countries.
It would be logical for the West to react and stop the mutation of Turkey. Instead, he naively believed that by becoming a giant he could be used to “Jazz” further to Putin’s Russia and become America’s long sword in the region, leaning through pro-Turkish eastern countries, such as Pakistan, China’s great rival, from which it feels threatened.
In a few years, Turkey spiraled out of control. The United States is currently a rogue ship and a Europe “sleeping nicely” seeks to secure its financial interests by pursuing shy, modest and definitely dangerous statements condemning the Turkish actions. European leaders are helpless and fatal they have the illusion that no one threatens them, that they can always be regulators of global developments. Φευ!
Massacres and genocides “gifts” to the “sultan”
Let’s not hide behind our finger the “snake egg” has hatched and the Turkish monster has already raised its head. Due to the negligence, innocence and incompetence of the West, Turkey has become an uncontrollable force. his arrogance, his bulimia and his total lack of a moral barrier.
So what are Europe and the United States doing today to deal with this Turkey? But of course, be quick to ask him to stay close to himς. They do not want in any case to lose it and pass into the sphere of influence of the “czar”.
So how do they react against Turkey? Beyond the “crooked eyes” they make for the attacks on Greece and Cyprus, The United States “sold” to the KurdsYes, yesterday their allies in the fight against the Islamic State, left them in the lurch of the appetites of the neo-Ottomans, giving up the northern part of Syria. Europe, for its part, has no (foreign) territories to offer, which is why it is giving Erdogan money and tolerance. Money to supposedly control migratory flows and tolerance for aggressive actions against Greece and Cyprus.
As for Russia, Nagorno-Karabakh offered a “gift” to Erdogan’s close associates, the Azeris. leading to a new uprooting of the Armenian people, 100 years after their genocide by Kemal Ataturk.
So let’s tell the truth. The situation with Turkey is out of control and, in fact, Erdogan still has many weapons in his quiver. Even if the West decides in the future to vigorously impose itself on the Turkish regime, it will confront Russia, without ruling out the involvement of Iran and China, which have already begun to have common interests with Turkey.
The ultimate solution and the role of Greece
Next week’s summit is an excellent opportunity for Europe to show that it can act as a whole and deter the so-called threat from Turkey. The lukewarm reaction of some European countries to the altar of economic transactions so far cannot be to the detriment of provocation and the safety of citizens.
Regarding Greecea, until today as a country we have managed to highlight the magnitude of the problem and convert the Greek-Turkish differences into Euro-Turkish ones. So, EU sanctions here and now. But sanctions that will “hurt” the neighbor and you will understand that you can no longer continue with this policy. Even if the Europeans prove inferior, the game in the Eastern Mediterranean can become very dangerous.
In this situation, Greece has only one way: to become even stronger militarily. It is imperative that we take immediate and specific steps to modernize our weapons systems. The immediate strengthening of the three Branches is necessary to expand our power and to be able to defend our Country on our own.
The time will come when Erdogan will send drilling rigs to the Greek continental shelf. So we have to decide whether to say a big new “no” or capitulate. The Greek Armed Forces are prepared for any eventuality. With military equipment, training and decisive alliances we can defend our homeland from anyquestion of our sovereignty.
So, whether the Europeans and the Americans do their duty to Turkey or not, the Greek Armed Forces will be in the highest operational readiness to give answers on the ground again.
Δor all the latest news from Greece and the world, as it happens, on Newsbomb.gr.
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