EMY: Stormy Wind Extraordinary Report – Where Will 8 Beaufort Go?


The National Weather Service issued an emergency storm wind bulletin, warning of winds as high as 8 Beaufort.

More specifically, it says:

1. Low 1012 pressures in Tavros and the Kastelorizo ​​Sea and high 1029 in the Northeast Balkans.

2. Nearly steady bass with center 1011 at small Syrti – 1010 expected on 03/15 UTC.

3. The northeast Aegean continues until at least 10/15 UTC and the northeast at 7 or 8.

4. Iron in the south continues until 10/15 UTC – cyclonic 7 or 8.

The gaps in the east continue until at least 10/15 UTC – northeast 7 or 8.

According to the EMY forecast, the weather will be generally clear in most parts of the country today, with winds blowing from the northeast, 4-6 in the west, 5-7 in the east and 8 Beaufort locally in the North Aegean. .
