Dozens of coronavirus-positive recruits at camp in Tripoli – Newsbeast


The authorities and the General Aviation General Staff are on alert after 50 positives coronavirus cases located in a camp in Tripoli. As broadcast by Open on Wing 124 Basic Training in Tripoli dozens of positives were identified cases about most of them in recruits.

These are some details of the last ESSO that was presented on November 16. Some had a coronavirus, were identified and isolated, but it appears that some were asymptomatic who transmitted the virus. Depending on what the channel broadcasts, there may be positives among the permanent members of the unit

The nice thing is that there are no seriously ill people, the wing is in quarantine, while the takeover has not occurred. There is concern in the field, as other cases are likely to be detected, but also in the wider area off the field where recruits move. Of course, EODY is aware of the incident and now the 124th Basic Training Wing of the Sminites is in a “circle” not to spread the virus to both the rest of the military and the local community.

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