A new research around him coronavirus concludes that 20% of infection cases are asymptomatic. The researchers analyzed 79 studies that recorded empirical data on 6,616 people, of whom 1,287 were found to be asymptomatic.
Researchers believe that accurate estimates of the truly asymptomatic or presymptomatic condition are crucial to understanding the transmissibility of the coronavirus at the population level.
Regarding the main symptom that patients present, a list of specific symptoms has been scientifically qualified. However, the fact that some of them coincide with symptoms of the common cold makes it difficult to determine at first if a patient has coronavirus.
In Germany according to your data Robert Koch Institute By 2020, the most common symptom is coughing at 44% followed by fever at 37% and a runny nose much further back at 20%.
While in Italy your data Ινστιτούτου Superiore di Sanita As for the symptoms of coronavirus patients who finally lost the battle with life, they show that three out of four patients had symptoms of fever and shortness of breath at the time of admission to the hospital while cough was one of the symptoms. in 38% of cases admitted to hospitals.