COVID-19 Daily Surveillance Report (10/09/2020)


COVID-19 Daily Surveillance Report (10/09/2020)

Daily epidemiological surveillance report of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)
Data until September 10, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.

Today we announce 372 news outbreaks of the new virus in the country, of which 164 associated with known confluences and twenty-one They were found after checks at the gates of the country. The total number of cases is 12452, of which 55.5% men.

2324 (18.7%) are considered related to travel from abroad and 5511 (44.3%) are related to an already known case.

49 Our fellow citizens are being treated by intubation. Their average age is 70 years. 12 (24.5%) are women and the rest are men. 87.8% of intubated patients have an underlying disease or are 70 years or older. 167 the patients have been discharged from the ICU.

Finally, we have 4 deaths are still recorded and 297 deaths in the country as a whole. 110 (37.0%) women and the rest men. The mean age of our dying fellow citizens was 78 years and 96.3% had some underlying disease and / or were 70 years or older.

Daily epidemiological surveillance report of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) – Data as of 09/10/2020

