Blocking: what changes in the licenses of public work hours and


Three hours of work in the public sector will be valid from Monday, November 9 until the end of the confinement on November 30, according to the Interior Minister, Takis Theodorikakos, at a press conference. The first will be at 7 in the morning at 3 in the afternoon, the second at 8 in the morning at 4 in the afternoon and the third at 9 in the morning at 5 in the afternoon. However, he noted that there will also be the possibility of an employee working different hours.

He also announced facilities for officials, such as part-time or remote work, while there will be the possibility of a special purpose leave for parents who have children in high school who will now stay at home. As the Interior Minister stressed, “we support the Greek family with children in school and specifically in secondary school”, the minister stressed and clarified: time from the scheduled time or possibility of granting a permit for special purposes.

A special permit will be granted to those public servants who belong to vulnerable groups or have children in this category. “We attach special importance to protecting the life and health of high-risk groups. For them, they are granted a special license and facilities for parents who have children from vulnerable groups, “he noted, adding that” service to the public is only done in urgent cases and after an appointment, “Mr. Theodorikakos characteristically stated. .

Finally, he pointed out that each public service will work with the necessary personnel to provide their work. “To do this, we privilege teleworking to the maximum, ensuring in all cases the operation of all services,” concluded the minister.

