A few minutes ago, Haris Varthakouris wanted to make a new one ad for rules of Big Brother, that change something. Specifically, he talked about a new column coming into the game, which also refers to the role that Andreas Mikroutsikos plays.
The presenter explained that because the public has a great desire to get to know even more the players of the popular SKAI reality show, where previously there was a trailer blunder.
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So, every Friday, a player will go to a separate room and sit on the “hot seat”, a red chair where they will sit to talk to Andreas Mikroutsikos himself and answer any questions he has to ask them. .
At the same time, they will chat live with the public, answering the questions you ask them through social networks.
The first player to sit in this chair was Sofia Danezi, who spoke about her strong character and the rivals she created in the game from week one.
“I met her on Tuesday and Sunday …” – Harry Varthakouris’ Big Reveal on Big Brother
Shortly after Big Brother started, and although he had made his first Connection with Big Brother’s house, Harry Varthakouris wanted to make a Revelation about his relationship with Andelina Varthakouri and how it started.
The host has spoken several times about his beloved, while their relationship has enchanted audiences since their joint appearance on Globetrotters.
So as soon as he connected with the “Big Brother” house and after apologizing to Anna Maria for the misunderstanding that had been created between them, he spoke with Christos Makridis, who in his interview had said that he met his wife while listening to a song own. .
Haris Varthakouris said that this phrase touched him a lot and pointed out that when he met Andelina it was Tuesday and on Sunday he asked her to live with him.