Bad weather Crete: rains brought bombs to the surface


The recent bad weather in crete in addition to the enormous damage suffered by houses, businesses and the road network brought to the surface and “treasures” of WWII.

The Greek police and the army receive calls from citizens about him almost every day. missile detection of the Second World War, according to

In recent days, discoveries by individuals of such ancient munitions due to the heavy rains Y corrosion from the ground, especially in the Prasa area, but also in general in the wider Heraklion area.

Almost daily, pyrotechnicians from the Greek army and Greek police visit the areas to identify and collect these. ammunition.


Wednesday at noon pyrotechnic by EL.AS. He was found in the area of ​​the Municipality of Minoa Pediada in order to extract a bomb from a field belonging to a citizen, who located it and notified the Police.

According to the same sources, it was inactive air pump from the WWII period, which was found inactive.
