Aspropyrgos: Fire in a factory – Province


A fire broke out at a factory in Aspropyrgos, and according to information, the Fire Brigade has already rushed to the scene, with 18 firefighters and 6 vehicles.

The fire broke out in a recycling plant and specifically in his yard, where it is quite difficult to extinguish it, while a large fire broke out a few days ago in a business in Thessaloniki.

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Fire in Evosmos, Thessaloniki – 150 meters from the flames of the houses (Video)

A fire broke out in the Evosmos area, Thessaloniki. Strong forces from the Fire Brigade immediately rushed to the scene to extinguish the fire. with 6 vehicles and 14 firefighters. Meanwhile, in the previous days, there was a big explosion and a fire broke out in a company.

The fire is burning dry grass at a distance of about 150 meters from the apartment buildings located in the area, as broadcast by The forces of the Fire Brigade are constantly being strengthened, while two water carriers from the Evosmos municipality also operate on the site.

Fire in an apartment in Thessaloniki – 13 year old was released (Video)

In Thessaloniki an alarm went off with a 13-year-old boy who was released by firefighters after a fire broke out in an apartment building, while the fumes the pet dog died of the family. Thessaloniki authorities were also upset in the early morning hours, after unknown individuals threw Molotov cocktails at a well-known factory while there was a strong fire in a stolen car!

As it became known, the fire broke out shortly before 3 in the afternoon in a second-floor apartment on Calle Amfipoleos. Five fire trucks arrived at the scene with 15 men who released the minor who appears to be alone in the department. After being examined by EKAB rescuers, he was found to be in good health.

According to initial estimates fire broke out of a kitchen utensil but for the exact causes, a preliminary investigation is underway. The fire caused material damage to the apartment and did not endanger residents of adjacent apartments.

Fire in an apartment in the center of Athens

A fire broke out in a third floor apartment in the center of Athens and specifically at the intersection of Ivykou and Eforionos streets. They have run to the place 12 firefighters with 4 vehicles to extinguish the fire.

Its causes are currently unknown. According to the information, people are not in danger. Also, yesterday there was a fire in a forest area in Kassandra, Halkidiki.
