In a final that had it all, intensity, joy, excitement and of course laughter, the “Older brotherIt ended. Anna Maria Psycharaki became the winner of Big Brother and won the love of the television audience and the grand prize of 100,000 euros.
Haris Varthakouris took the dossier in his hands and reported which of the two finalists is the winner. The final became a women’s affair between Sofia Danezi and Anna Maria Psycharaki.
The television audience, however, voted in favor and decided that Anna Maria Psycharaki deserves to be the winner. In the announcement of the result the twitter caught fire and tweets rained down.
September 4, since then I believed in you from the first moment 😊😊😊 you are a goddess .. well done my girl ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #BigBrotherGRlive #bbxeftiles #BigBrotherGR https://t.co/fmoU7gODFr
– tonik_ironic (@kantskou) December 18, 2020
The winner 🫒 #BigBrotherGRlive pic.twitter.com/L7eWQgj2Tr
– Leon-o 🗡 (@Lion_o_hoooo) December 18, 2020
The moment we all realized this is just this #BigBrotherGRlive #BigBrother pic.twitter.com/h1QPnVGzru
– from V from (@GIANNISDWNIAS) December 18, 2020
#BigBrotherGRlive Anyway, until the last second, I give it good performance
– Xristos Theo (@ Xrist0sThe0) December 18, 2020
ANNA MARIA SOLO RE! #bbxeftiles #teamAM #AnnaMariaWinner #BigBrotherGRlive pic.twitter.com/Ydt8DQYW9D
– Full of helium 🤮🦋🦋🦋 (@full_of_helium) December 18, 2020
This is how Vlachopoulou cried when his uncle had died in “Ellinida of the harem”! #BigBrotherGRlive
– ThessOBSERVER (@ObserverThess) December 18, 2020
Anna Maria now #BigBrotherGRlive pic.twitter.com/3092WH1eyA
– Mycroft Holmes 🕵️♀️ (@ 9_dnd) December 18, 2020
#BigBrotherGRlive Anna Maria, before you go, hang up a camera to talk to her all day …
– Tasaklas_maria (@tasaklas) December 18, 2020
Your little Anna Maria theater is good and they paid you 100,000.
At least today is the last day we hear your horrible, fake cry. #BigBrotherGRlive #SkaitvGR– Despoina Kyrou (@ Despoin80350313) December 18, 2020
The biggest surprise was that it did not go to commercials before the announcement. #BigBrotherGRlive
– Να Να (@_wannabeontop_) December 18, 2020
Get her out, the girl doesn’t fight anymore! Arrives #BigBrotherGRlive
– Eri Eri Eri (@ elina1024) December 18, 2020
They say AM pretends to be the victim. Even when the vote closed, AM said the same thing. Sophia pretends to be the victim. Goodbye #bbxeftiles #BigBrotherGRlive #AnnaMariaWinner #BigBrotherGRlive
– my style pots # B1_54777 (@_tootyfrooty_) December 18, 2020
– Νο Τσίπ (ρ) α♈ (@EiriniZahir) December 18, 2020
Well, you left her alone, are you okay? will not cut any veins 😅😅😅 #BigBrotherGRlive
– tina_koul (@tina_koul) December 18, 2020
Sophia says “come on, we knew you were going out” and Anna Maria replies “since you knew why you didn’t tell me anything?” … normal crazy not funny #BigBrotherGRlive #BigHermanoGR #bbxefiles
– petamenos (@damigk) December 18, 2020