Alexis was shot from the group over the weekend. Euclid Tsakalotos in “Vima”, referring to SYRIZA – PS and the possibility of becoming a leader-centered party, claims that the leadership party “is in the trash of history”.
Of course, he assures that such development is not in Alexis’ intentions, and accuses others (?) Of asking SYRIZA and Alexis to abandon their radical identity and adopt the old party rotation.
At the same time, he blames the “traditional historians” and especially the media (again), who explain the historical path and turning points of history as a personal matter of great leaders like Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt, Venizelos. , Konstantinos Karamanlis or Andreas Papandreou. “According to them (traditional historians, media), says Euclid, political and social processes do not matter. The media (again) try to persuade Alexis to behave like the others. But” in our space, the personification has no foundation. ”
Of course, he deliberately “escapes” that the personification in the Western world was rare, and where it was expressed was the result of radiation from some leaders. On the contrary, there were many “Pateroulides” on the existing left. One you mentioned earlier.
At the same time, Panos Skourletis writes in Saturday’s News (for Alexis to hear) that SYRIZA “must continue to shape a different example of political action in relation to the traditional parties, of a more collective and more democratic functioning.”
Right! But the democratic function is conquered with the resistance of those who defend it.
Meanwhile, it is a common secret in SYRIZA (but can also be seen from those who follow the party professionally) that Tsipras seeks to create a leader-centered party. In fact, a few within SYRIZA, as Aris Ravanos mentions in Vima, are afraid (or hope?) Of creating a party similar to the Justice party founded in Argentina by Juan Perρόνn.
Granted, the column considers these to be reports of hype, based on the familiar political representations of the left. Alexis has indeed shown the tendency to create a leader-centered party, but so far. Other eyes of the hare … or as his deputy told us, next to him “His personality does not go there.” Furthermore, we would add, Perón introduced the term “Peronism” into the world political vocabulary, Alexis the word “kolotoumba”.
Perón was a strange magnetic figure who inspired passionate cult among the crowd, and one would find her in the cases of Nasser and, in the more faded, of Andreas.
He was a founding member of a secret organization, organized coups, and survived coups, imprisonment, and exile. He played cards of the life of the crown, did not panic and did not contract herpes with 17 hours of negotiation.
He created his own theory, the “third place” between capitalism and communism, the nebulous “Houstialism”: he promoted social justice, political and economic independence. The “national” was missing along with “independence” to remind us of something very familiar Greek, which respectively instead of “third place” had chosen the “third way” (We mainly find similarities in times and trends, and we do not indulge in the identification personal with Andreas).
Peronism mobilized and integrated into the social system broad popular strata that lived unknown on the fringes of society and the formation of the State (and this reminds us of something familiar until the early 1980s).
At the same time, it had strong branches, supported and mobilized to support it in the large and powerful unions. Here, the only mobilizations of support that we saw in the 2019 elections are those in which the slogan was heard: “The gypsies are here, for Tsipras, God.”
The archetypal form of populism, Juan Perρόνn was one of the leaders to mark history. And next to him was (how could it be otherwise) a glamorous woman who became a legend, Evita, who transmitted her brilliance and shone in the crowd.
The beginning of the end of Perón came from the army and the conflict with the Church, which absolved him of his anticlerical position. Here, for the sake of the Church and a far-right associate, Alexis ate an old colleague of his, Nikos Filis, as a minister.
That is, what do we call Perón? E, unrelated. The fairly small correlation was: it was referring to Alexis’s attempt to control justice and the media. But then the comrades didn’t care.