Adonis … remembered his extreme right


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As thousands of refugees on Lesbos are desperate after the catastrophic fires in Moria, Development and Investment Minister Adonis Georgiadis is demanding the expulsion from the country of those who “participated in the incidents”.

Mr. Georgiadis affirms that “those who” destroy public property “do not have the right to asylum in Greece, so it goes a step beyond the statement of the Minister of Immigration Notis Mitarakis, who said that” criminal phenomena such as those we experienced yesterday they will not go unpunished. “

In fact, Mr. Georgiadis even promotes videos of the well-known and not exceptional “Group of Truth”, repeating, being himself a minister, the word “illegal immigrants”.

However, what the minister does not mention are the appalling living conditions of refugees and immigrants in the “prison” of Moria, where thousands of people have been quarantined for six months, having access to scarce water and poor quality food. . Conditions, the primary responsibility of which rests with the government in which Mr. Georgiadis participates.
