A 19-year-old man was caught driving his father’s car at 308 kilometers per hour.


19-year-old man faces criminal charges for dangerous driving Canada, who was arrested for running at a speed of 308 kilometers per hour on an Ontario highway with a limit of 100 kilometers.

“This is the worst speed limit violation I’ve ever heard of,” said Kerry Smith, a police officer.

The driver, accompanied by a companion, broadcast by AMPE, was behind the wheel of his father’s car. His driver’s license was immediately revoked. The car was confiscated for seven days.

The young man was prosecuted for driving in a dangerous manner, Smith said.

The incident took place Saturday night in southwest Toronto, in part. highway Queen Elizabeth, where the speed limit is 100 hp.

“It just caught our eye then. The Queen Elizabeth Highway is not a rally track.” The police officer said, adding that the drivers who saw the projectile pass were horrified, expressing disapproval, until the police stopped him.

The young man was released without apology. “I am sure it will be difficult to explain why on Sunday, Mother’s Day, the car Dad was not in the garage, “said Smith.
