Biden, Alzheimer’s and always “Beverly Hills Police”


Former United States Vice President and Presidential candidate in the upcoming 2020 elections, Joe Biden, had made it clear from the start: “I will choose a woman to replace my vice president candidate».

And because some men always keep their word, the California senator is more prevalent right now. Kamala Harris with rumors of Michelle Obama’s choice to belong to the kingdom of fantasy.

Of course, Biden would like her to be crazy, like right now Democratic party there is no woman with her star quality, However, as the responsible mind behind Obama, his right hand man for several years and a close family friend, David Axelrond, has pointed out (over and over again):I bet Michelle will never claim public office in her life».

Given, then, that the Michelle’s candidacy is a summer night’s dream.Kamala’s choice seems more than ideal …

The “Obama woman” who learned to win and lose …

With a great lawyer wife, annual family income $ 2 million and high profits (economic and social) after entering politics and publishing her book “The truths with cellars”, Kamala is, at least, a woman capable of (sub) supporting all her expectations, even if the latter is on the steps of the White House.


Her intentions have been clear for years, even before she was nominated for the presidency in the 2020 Democratic primaries.
However, although her campaign began for her with the best wishes, she did not manage to withdraw shortly before her confrontation with “mother of battles” Ayova, the first state to vote in the party’s internal elections.

Over time, there have been presidential candidates on the American political scene who, while meeting all the formal requirements for victory in the party’s internal election for presidential anointing, ultimately fail miserably.

Typical examples are o John Edwards to the Democrats in 2004 and Marco Rubio to the Republicans in 2016.

Kamala Harris has something in common with both of them. With the blond It is connected with the fact that when you try to become “everyone’s man”, at the end of the day you end up being “nobody’s man”.

That is, when you do not have a different political position when focusing and discussing hot topics to satisfy all the components of your party, the voters vote for you and in the end they leave you …

Even if you have all the formal qualifications on your side: photogenic and charismatic-although a super-conservative-Latin American senator, and the dynamic and tough African-American attorney general and later senator in the most populous state in the United States …

It is no coincidence that at the beginning of her political career there were some (a few) who had characterized her from the beginning, the truth is, “Obama Woman”.

However, his course is probably more reminiscent of John Edwards ‘than “Little Marco,” a nickname Trump gave him during his ruthless internal party controversy shortly before Marco finally became the President of the United States’ most loyal dog. in the Senate.

Although he became a leading candidate for the Democratic Party anointing in 2004, John Edwards was eventually elected Vice, odorless and tastelessJohn Kerry, because he offered him exactly what he was missing: dynamic political speech with angles, enthusiasm among young voters, opening up to the progressive wing of the Democratic Party …

In other words, just as Camala connects Biden to the strongest block of Democratic voters, African-Americans, who in 2016 did not mobilize enough for Hillary.

What could be more ideal than a prosecutor against the counterpart of propaganda and disinformation, Donald Trump Κά Kamala was the one who introduced the “fiscal style” of examining Trump’s candidates for the Senate.

In particular, he became known to the general public, and the goal of FOX NEWS NO1, that is, Trump’s “Pravda”, for the strict and unforgiving attitude he maintained during the process of ratifying the appointment of Trump’s candidate, Brett Cavanaugh, on the Supreme Court. Cut.

Of the Rape allegations against Cavanaugh Until his backstage conversation with Trump’s “RUSSIA-GATE” associates, which cast doubt on his independence, Kamala’s record was filled with evidence and political arrows.


The “lost” Biden

The scenario for the first female president in the near future is not at all unlikely.

First, let’s not forget Biden’s advanced age (77 years) and how, if elected, the claim of a second term for his part, it would be quite unlikely that his vice president would become president-elect.

But there is a more important question: Can Biden even complete his first term?

Not only Trump supporters claim Biden has Alzheimer’s, but also mainstream left-wing media like Washington Post wondering “maybe something is wrong with him. ».

Although we don’t know exactly what is happening to Biden’s health with the easy conclusion that it is certainly superficial, many recent incidents show in the most vivid way that Biden’s spiritual clarity is not at its best.

Indicatively: In the Democrats debate, he claimed that the extensive possession of firearms has killed since 2007 to date, around 150 million (!!!) people ωστόσο The truth, however, is that if that were the case, exactly half the population of the United States would have to be eliminated. Civil war and we didn’t get it?

««Good afternoon. My name is Joe Biden and I am running for the Senate.He said and wailed recently, seemingly forgetting that he was actually running for president.

And that is not all. There are times when he doesn’t seem to know where he is going and where he is the day before yesterday when he fell asleep online. town hall with Hillary – essentially confirming Trump’s nickname (“Sleepy Joe” – Sleeping Joe).


In addition, he confused his wife with his sister and Theresa May with Margaret Thatcher during a live broadcast, while during the Democratic debate he stated that “I am supported by the only African American senator who has been elected.” In fact, he wanted to say “first”, causing the laugh of his also African-American and then rival of the internal party, Kamala, who was sitting next to him.

Finally, he claimed to have been arrested in South Africa trying to meet him Nelson Mandela Go to jail to admit shortly after that this incident never happened, and that he had met with the victims of the Parkland massacre while he was Vice President, while the incident took place after his tenure as Vice President.

For hours the whole story with Biden reminds of the movie. “Crazy weekend at Bernie», Where two friends are invited by their boss for a weekend on a luxury island, the boss is assassinated, nobody realizes beyond these two and, to avoid being considered suspects, they move his corpse like a puppet, to make others believe that he is alive.

Somehow, despite Biden crawling, the Democratic Party entourage rallied around Biden to stop Sanders.

Because questions about Biden’s spiritual clarity are fair game

After a disastrous presence in her first debate with him. Walter model in 1984, many in the media began to openly question his mental capacity then Ronald Reagan, 73.

Writing to New York TimesJames Reston noted that Reagan “confused the numbers and did not appear to be mentally alert when faced with Mr. Montreal’s arguments.”

At the same time, the Wall Street Journal noted that “The president’s open reactions and the occasional apparent confusion have given the electoral contest a new unpredictable element, pointing out that at the age of 75, “10% of people suffer from significant mental retardation: senile dementia.”».

Television networks “directed” the Reagan mounts focusing on his confused words and he even called on doctors to open the door to the effects of aging on mental clarity …

The question of their age was asked directly to Reagan by them. journalists in the second debate with him responding skillfully and humorously, reversing the climate: “I will not refer to ages, I will not raise this issue in the electoral campaign. I don’t want to take advantage of my opponent’s youth and inexperience for political reasons.He said then.

According to pollsters, this attack was not only the most decisive moment in the televised battle, but also one of the reasons for Reagan’s dominance.

A decade later or Reagan announced that he has Alzheimer’s

OR Biden is now 77 years oldthat is, four years older than Reagan during the 1984 campaign, and if elected, the day his term begins will be longer than Reagan’s day the day he ends. Therefore, questions regarding spiritual clarity are also with the above as fair play …


From knives to honey

The memory in Washington is said to last 24 hours, maximum. That or more Your faithful friend will stab you in the back At any moment, even the political opponent of today’s toughest internal party can easily become tomorrow’s strongest ally τελευταίο The latter happened to Biden and Camala … Kamala can declare today that it would be an honor Biden’s Proposal for the vice presidential candidate position, however, their relationship was not always useless …

July 2019. The first Democratic Party anointing debate … The most dramatic moment of the night was the result of a question on racial discrimination when Harris stepped in, saying she had the right to respond as the only black candidate in the debate.

The California senator and a former prosecutor then pointed his shotgun at Biden, denouncing his co-candidate’s history of racial discrimination.I don’t think you’re racistHarris said, addressing the former vice president. “But,” he continued.It’s personal. And it was really painful to hear him speak warmly about two United States Senators who built that reputation and their careers based on racial segregation in this country.».

The terrorist attacked shortly after noon in front of a demonstration on Friday, removing hundreds of protesters by truck, and riot police stormed a demonstration on Friday, removing hundreds of protesters by truck.

When his opponents apologized, he refused. Kamala Harris accused him of supporting policies that would prevent young students like her from attending school in areas where the white element dominates. Clearly annoyingBiden looked elsewhere and not at herself. “It just caught our eye then. I haven’t praised racists. This is not true.“He monologized without referring to this topic again …

“She is the most beautiful Attorney General in the country”

It was in 2013 when the president of the United States, Barack Obama received strong criticism for the characterization that accompanied Camala’s face: “She is the most beautiful Attorney General in the country.».

Critics were quick to point out that the comment reflects the barriers women face in their workplaces, and Obama apologized.

More specifically, speaking after Harris at an event in California, the American president had said that “Kamala is an excellent, dedicated and tough feature that any law enforcement should have to give everyone what they deserve …»And then add: “And she’s also the most beautiful Attorney General in the country. It’s true. Come now. And she’s a great friend and she’s been supporting me for many, many years.».

It was his last statement. wave of reactions on social networks, among the ubiquitous admirers of the orthopedic fanatic, as they considered his comments indecent and degraded Kamala’s professional skills.

Immediately after White House She said the president had spoken to the attorney general to apologize for the “distraction” caused by his comments: “He did not in any way want to diminish the attorney general’s professional success and skills,” spokeswoman Jay Carney said.


Tough, fair and controversial

In 2004, Camala angered the police union when he refused to ask for the death penalty for the murder of a police officer. However, in his day the convictions in murder cases increased to 85%, highest percentage in the history of the city. He created a special hate crime prosecution team, and was one of the few judicial officials who openly supported the Black Lives Matter movement, and called on the police to take action for the deaths of African-Americans.

Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area and seeing with his own eyes the consequences of enforcing the law on the disadvantaged, Kamala Harris believed that as a prosecutor, he could use his power to correct inequalities and protect the most vulnerable by interfering with the way the law is applied.

The alternative methods She is described in detail in her first book, Smart on Crime, and defended key points in her career as a prosecutor.

However, the tough and fair prosecutor could not help but have some controversial moments in her CV. For example, she was the only Democratic candidate in which in 2016 he donated Trump’s later finance minister Steve Manuchin.

««Politics is primarily a matter of symbol management.“As Mitterrand and Kamala have said in this case, they have been strongly criticized not for the amount of the donation itself ($ 2,000 is the maximum amount of money that a citizen can deposit in a candidate campaign) but for their acceptance in due to a donation due to his prehistory with Manuchin.

Harris, the California attorney general, had refused to proceed with a mandatory seizure against OneWest, the bank led by Manuchin, a controversial decision that sparked a series of negative reactions at the time.

She was also accused of acting attitude Because, on the one hand, he had accepted his donation and, on the other hand, he had voted against it a few months later for the post of Minister of Finance in the government. Trump speaking of him with harsh words: «Senator Harris believes that the fact that Manuchin has benefited from the misery of thousands of families who lost their homes during the collapse of the United States’ mortgages made it inadequate to manage our nation’s finances and support workers. How … So, she accepted the donation of a man who, according to her, has done so much damage?“Some were asked correctly …

Another “fault” lies in the fact that the Camala Harris used her campaign account to finance his stay in five-star hotels for $ 1,000 a night and first-class airline tickets, during his nearly five-year tenure as attorney general. Meanwhile, his employees used the cheapest flights and stayed at different hotels for around $ 250 a night.


The most unpleasant aspect The use of campaign funds, even legal, was the scene of austerity in the then California government. When Democratic Governor Jerry Brown took office in 2011, he introduced a culture of austerity for himself, his staff, and government officials.

When Harris swore, he california budget ήταν σε αναταραχή και τα τμήματα, συμπεριλαμβανομένου και του δικού της Υπουργείου Δικαιοσύνης, διατάχθηκαν να βρουν τρόπους εξοικονόμησης πόρων που περιλάμβαναν περικοπές προσωπικού. «Το περιβάλλον ήταν τέτοιο που οι άνθρωποι έπαιρναν κυριολεκτικά την πιτφθτη η ι η ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι Μοναδική εξαίρεση, η Κάμαλα…

Τέλος, το 2015 κατηγορήθηκε για ανακολουθία αναφορικά με τη θέση της επάνω στην θανατική ποινή. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, όταν ένας δικαστής του ομοσπονδιακού περιφερειακού δικαστηρίου, αποφάσισε για την περίπτωση ενός βιαστή -δολοφόνου, που ήταν καταδικασμένος σε θανατική ποινή, να μείνει στη φυλακή για 25 χρόνια, υποστηρίζοντας ότι η καθυστέρηση και η αβεβαιότητα ισοδυναμούν με την πιο “σκληρή και ασυνήθιστη τιμωρία », η Χάρις άσκησε έφεση προς μεγάλη απογοήτευση των υπέρμαχων της κατάργησης της θανατικής ποι

««Από τη μία πλευρά υποστηρίζει ότι η θανατική ποινή είναι αντισυνταγματική υιτή άλλη δεν υπεραυ», Είπαν τότε οι επικριτές της.

Η Χάρις έσπευσε να δικαιολογήσει την απόφαση της υποστηρίζοντας πως «υπήρχαν δύο λόγοι για αυτό».

Πρώτον, δεν είχε άλλη επιλογή από νομική άποψη και δεύτερον ότι διαφωνούσε κάθετα με το επιχείρημα του δικαστή. ««Η δικαιοσύνη είναι κάτι που δεν επιταχύνεται», Τόνισε τότε.

Ωστόσο, αναγνώρισε την αμηχανία και δυσκολία της στο να ασκήσει έφεση, η οποία επικύρωσε τελικά με επιτυχία την επιβολή της θανατικής ποινής “Ήταν ένα από τα πιο δύσκολα πράγματα που έπρεπε να κάνω” είπε. Κι όπως όλα δείχνουν, έχει ακόμη πολλά δύσκολα να κάνει στο όνομα της Προεδυίτη κι αν συνείδηστή

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