Deepfake videos of the star are being scanned on TikTok and … they are having problems


A series of videos in which … he seems to star Tom cruise, but this is not the case, they have gone viral in Tik Tok, gathering millions of visits.

According to the Daily Mail, these are three clips that have been created with deepfake technology and give an idea of ​​the very advanced level to which they have reached their capabilities, something that experts are very concerned about.

The term deepfake (a compound word derived from “deep learning” and “fake”) refers to modified media in which one person in an existing photo or video is replaced by another.

Although this type of “Interventions” for the purpose of entertainment or deception is not new, deepfake technology employs modern techniques related to machine learning and Artificial intelligenceThe result is extremely realistic, but also terrifying, considering the “dark” uses that this technology can foster.

These videos were published by the account “deeptomcruise” last week and show the protagonist Mission Impossible (or rather … his invented life preserver) to do a trick, play golf and share memories of his encounter Mikhail Gorbachev.

So far, the clips have accumulated more than 11 million views on this platform, but they are already widely distributed on other social networks, leaving everyone with … their mouths open.

Although the videos were created for entertainment purposes, experts warn that this type of content is cause for concern. THE Sam gregory, editor of, comments on deepfakes on Twitter: “Many women have already been victims of deepfakes. If we get to the point where we cannot believe what they see, the credibility of the actual videos will be undermined.”.

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