Livathinos is out of the National Drama School


Student Complaints About Authoritarian Behavior

print edition


The National Theater tries again to recover the rhythm. Lignadis’ resignation and what followed long fueled rumors about rebellious students at the School of Dramatic Art for inappropriate behavior by their teachers, a fact that was initially attributed to Dimitris Lignadis, but that was not the point. The reason for the rumors was given by the announcement published by the Student Association on January 30 on its official page on the social media platform facebook.

On February 6, the students of the School of Dramatic Art of the National Theater had an online meeting with their teachers (a meeting requested by the students themselves) and the panorama was clarified. In an intensely charged environment, the students named one teacher in particular, Stathis Livathinos, accusing him of arrogant, authoritarian behavior and “teaching practices” using “derogatory, derogatory and homophobic comments that hurt their dignity and create a sense of belonging.”

In fact, in a letter to their teachers (preceding the meeting) the students noted that “personal reporting of specific incidents that occurred in the past at our school is a complex and painful process and no one can be pressured about it.”

“Relations between students and teachers have been restored and the school has already investigated the reported incidents, in order to resolve the issues,” said the joint statement issued after the meeting of the Director of Studies of the National Theater Drama School, Dio Kangelaris, Teachers Association and Student Association.

In recent days, rumors have been circulating that Stathis Livathinos left the Drama School, yesterday the rumors intensified, however, the director himself denies that he was asked to leave and that he resigned. He was supposed to issue a press release late at night, but in the end he didn’t come.

However, the director of the School, Dio Kangelari, made the following statement yesterday (“Lifo”): “Stathis Livathinos has not yet submitted his resignation, he will present it tomorrow morning.” The resignation follows complaints from students about authoritarian behavior. The dimension created between the students and Mr. Livathinos is insurmountable. The School continues to operate with transparency and respect for teachers and students and with an open dialogue window ”.
