AADE’s salary bill was presented to Parliament


The bill was presented to Parliament a few hours ago “Payroll and Human Resources Matters of the Independent Public Revenue Authority».

With the bill in question, a new list of salaries is established, effective 6/1/2021, for the staff of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE), as well as transferable employees and advisers and associates of the Governor of A. Α.Δ.Ε (the rules of the Α.Α.Δ.Ε., the President, the members and the expert of the Board of Directors of Α.Α.Δ.Ε. are not subject to its rules). In particular, among others:

one. The salary classification of employees is stipulated as a combination of basic grade salary scales and Job Levels (BTE). (Articles 1-3)

2. The salary scales are mentioned, in which the different categories of AADE employees are classified and evolved (Article 4)

3. The time required and the meaning of the previous service are determined for the salary evolution of AADE employees by category. (Article 5)

4. The basic elements of the promoted salary evolution of AADE employees are identified (A score equal to or greater than 95% is required, instead of the excellent one that applies, in three (3) consecutive annual evaluation periods, to receive a (1) MK more). At the same time, the case of equality of more employees than the percentage of beneficiaries determined (3% -15%, 5% -15%, which is today) is regulated. (Articles 6 and 25)

5. It is possible to increase the allowance granted for remote border areas [δεν δύναται να υπερβαίνει, με την προσαύξηση, το ποσό των πεντακοσίων (500) ευρώ μηνιαίως]. (Articles 7-9 and 25)

6. The concept of “Job Degrees” (BTE) is introduced and the special remuneration of a job by IES is provided, subject to the fulfillment of specific conditions. [προβλέπονται δεκατρείς (13) Β.Θ.Ε. με κλιμάκωση της χορηγούμενης ειδικής αμοιβής θέσης εργασίας από 100 ευρώ για τον 12ο Β.Θ.Ε. έως 2.200 ευρώ για τον 1ο Β.Θ.Ε. (στον 13ο Β.Θ.Ε. δεν χορηγείται η εν λόγω ειδική αμοιβή)]. (Article 11)

7. Minimum salary limits are established, in the way of maintaining as a personal difference the existing amount of salaries paid in case of reduction, by application of the new salary, in relation to those received by AADE employees before the new one comes into force. regime. This regulation also employs AADE employees who are attached to other bodies, but also original employees of other bodies who are transferred, assigned, transferred or transferred to AADE (Article 12)

8. It is provided for jobs that exceed the mandatory schedule (overtime), which:
to. It is approved by decision of the AADE Commander, in accordance with the special provisions.
second. The number of hours of work per employee in excess of the mandatory work hours for overtime in the afternoon increases to one hundred fifty (150) semester hours, from the one hundred twenty (120) hours that is currently in force (Law 4354/2015).
C. The number of night hours, on Sundays, in addition to the five days and other exceptional working days of AADE employees, is determined by decision of the AADE Commander
d) The hourly wage after the 22nd hour, for overtime in the afternoon of more than five days, is increased by twenty-five percent (25%).
For the aforementioned cases of decisions by the AADE Commander, regarding the determination of excessive overtime hours and for compliance with the mandatory schedule, their retroactive validity in accordance with the one specially defined. (Articles 13 and 25)

9. Exceptions to the general provisions on the remuneration of collective bodies are introduced for the members of the collective bodies that are constituted:
to. For the assignment of contracts for works, supplies and services with the contracting authority AADE as specifically defined.
second. In the context of the implementation of projects and actions that are considered of greater importance for the achievement of the strategic and operational goals of AADE and the best service to the citizen, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the character of development , as well as projects and actions within the Recovery and Sustainability Fund, as specifically defined.
In addition, those in force for NPDD, NPID and OTA, exceptional cases of paid groups (Law 4354/2015), also applied to AADE
d) Employees registered in the Register of Instructors of the Tax and Customs Academy (FOTA) are equated, in terms of hourly compensation based on the teaching hours, with the members of the Main Teaching Body of the National Center and the National Center. , excluding employees who participate as members of the Team of Permanent Trainers of .Τ.Α. (Article 14)

10. In accordance with the provisions of Law 4389/2016 on, among other things, the establishment of AADE, the methodology for awarding the “Goal Achievement Award” (awarding of prizes and additional rewards) is paid, which is paid annually according to the terms and conditions established for its employees, in accordance with the specific provisions for the maximum payment of each degree of responsibility.
Authorizations are granted for the issuance of decisions that implement the above, as well as for the possibility of adjusting the rates provided for the calculation of special rates by degree of responsibility, as specifically defined. (Articles 15 and 25)

eleven. Provisions are given on the salary cap, the responsibility of the payroll adjusters of AADE employees, the return of amounts unduly paid, as well as the general arrangements for salary issues. [π.χ. καταβολή αποδοχών (συμπεριλαμβάνεται η ειδική αμοιβή) σε περίπτωση διαθεσιμότητας, αργίας κ.λπ.].
The different salary issues and their specific conditions are determined, where appropriate, for the aforementioned categories of employees (granting of special remuneration, salaries and bonuses of Chapter A of the bill to vote, corresponding to their organic position or the position to who are assigned)., maintaining the personal difference, ranking in salary scales, jobs and points for the achievement of the achievement of the goals). (Articles 16 to 19 and 25)

Transitory and special provisions are introduced for the application of the regulations of the bill submitted to vote. Regulates, inter alia, i) the application of more favorable salary conditions (in the defined exceptions), after the modification of provisions of other laws, and to AADE staff, ii) the payment of the salaries of employees who, according to upon the entry into force of the bill submitted to a vote, attached to a body other than AADE or attached to it after its entry into force. (Article 20)

13. The provisions of Law 4389/2016 in relation to the selection and evaluation process of AADE heads, as well as the AADE Scoring System, are modified-complemented, based on the aforementioned criteria, in addition to the fact that new As be specific. (Articles 21-23)

14. A total of two hundred forty-two (242) people from the aforementioned categories and branches will be recruited at the AADE, with a fixed-term private law employment relationship (idox), to attend personnel emergencies, created by planning , execution, implementation and monitoring of AADE’s reform programs and public investment projects, financed by the Recovery and Resilience Fund, with an employment duration of thirty-six (36) months (Article 24)

fifteen. The bill is expected to come into force by voting and its more specific provisions. (Article 26)
