With SMS since 13034 and obviously with a positive response for those who want to receive the coronavirus vaccine, the vaccination will be done.
We do not get rid of SMS … After the endless SMS to 13033 to leave home a new number enters our lives.
Is he 13034. A number that makes a difference. This is the number to which you can make an appointment, starting in January for vaccination.
This number will send us -as it seems an SMS- and we will answer if we will do the vaccine or not. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving office.
As of January 2021, the Citizen can schedule their vaccination appointment, in the following ways:
After connecting with the TAXIS data on the website http://emvolio.gov.gr.
Confirming the proposed appointment by text message (SMS) in the 5-digit code for exclusive use (13034).
For Citizens, who are not familiar with technological means, visiting the KEP or pharmacies.

The Citizen will receive the unique code-number of the appointment, as well as the QR Code, depending on the way in which the appointment has been scheduled. It is observed that through the application of appointments the repeated vaccination is planned at the same time.
Three (3) days prior to the appointment date, the Citizen will receive an email and SMS reminder of the appointment day and time along with a link to the website that has the appropriate general preparation instructions (for example, not have a fever, have the code, etc.), but also special instructions depending on the vaccine to be used.
SMS to 13034
In Greece, it corresponds to a percentage of the total quotas that each Production Company will assign, proportional to its population, with the option of more.
Pfizer / BioNTech 4.7 million doses
AstraZeneca / Oxford 7.1 million doses
Johnson & Johnson 4.7 million doses
Sanofi / GSK 4.7 million doses
Modern 1.8
Curevac 5.3 million doses
The above figures, however, as noted, may vary depending on the quantities offered by the companies and the installment distribution approved by the European Union.