He found a bag with 15,000 euros in the street and gave it to the Police – Newsbeast


A 47-year-old woman from Thessaloniki, who a few days ago found a black bag with 15,000 euros on the sidewalk of Ethn. Resistencia and handed it over to the Police.

When he opened it, he found that there was a large amount of money inside. In vain he tried to find an item to find out the owner of the money.

According to information from thestival.gr, contacted her husband and together they decided to hand him over to the police. When they went to the police station in their area, they were informed that a man had stated that he had lost a black bag of money. It was money from the company where the 40-year-old man worked and he had it with him to buy merchandise.

THE The 47-year-old’s gesture is even more valuable since both she and her husband have been unemployed for a while. It should be noted that Rena received from the company the amount of 550 euros as a “thank you” for her act.

