Koronoios: Thriller with a patient in Thessaloniki – Positive in deadly virus for 2 months – Newsbomb – News


According to voria.gr, the specific patient tested positive for Covid-19 after a trip to northern Italy in mid-February. There, while preparing to return to Greece, and although a confirmed case has yet to be identified, a minor accident forced her to be hospitalized for a few days in the Lombardy area.

Upon returning to Greece, she volunteered for quarantine, fearing possible exposure to the virus, which had meanwhile spread to northern Italy and, in fact, a few days later showed symptoms of covid-19 disease. He went to AHEPA, which is the referral hospital where he stayed for treatment. In fact, she had to be hospitalized for a few days in the Intensive Care Unit, along with her brother who fell ill on the same trip, but unfortunately he ended up. After a long period of hospitalization, and although all symptoms had subsided, the patient returned to her home where she was still in quarantine, closely monitored by the hospital.

Positive two months later: what the doctors say

The paradox is that, more than two months after she got sick and long after she was treated at AHEPA, the results of the molecular test she is undergoing are still positive for the virus. Speaking to Voria.gr, the event was confirmed by Symeon Metallidis, Associate Professor of Pathology – Infectious Diseases at AUTh and a physician at AHEPA Hospital. He noted that there are other cases that still carry a viral load, certainly not for as long as this particular patient.

“We cannot answer why this is happening. These people, whom we are closely monitoring, are part of the research through which the answers will emerge. Today, however, we do not know why this may happen, if it is due to the genetic profile of some patients or other factors, “he says.

When asked if specific patients could, after such a long time, transmit the disease, Mr. Metallidis said, “At the moment there is no sure answer to this.” These people, of course, are quarantined to be released when there are two consecutive negative results. “

It is recalled that there is a similar incident in Crete, where a man has been positive for the coronary for a month and a half. According to George Survino, professor of clinical biology at the University of Crete Faculty of Medicine, this person undergoes successive tests and remains under house arrest until his Covid-19 is shaken.


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