Dog was raped on Panteleimon beach – Newsbeast


The residents of Platamonas and Panteleimon beach in the south listened with disgust Pieria the revelation that one dog who took care of himself for years, was found in poor condition on the beach and taken to the vet, who found that he had been a victim sexual abuse and violation.

“Zico”, as the residents of the Panteleimon area have dubbed him, had been horribly abused by a man, who injured his anus, probably forcing an object into it.

According to a post from Animal Welfare and Environmental Action of Volunteers from Dion Olympus “O Peritas”, the unfortunate animal is being treated by the veterinarian, while the Police were informed of the case, which investigates it and asks for information from anyone who knows something .

The unhealthy torture of the unfortunate animal sparked a reaction from Dion-Olympus Township Deputy Mayor George Karalis, in charge of stray animal affairs, who condemned the abuse and asked anyone who knows anything to report it to the local police or to him same.

Unfortunately we are at a loss for words once again, man has been shown to be the worst species on the planet.
We were informed …

Posted by Animal Welfare and Environmental Action of the Dion-Olympus Volunteers “or Peritas” on Friday, December 11, 2020

