Koronaios: WHO is reviewing an electronic vaccination certificate


The World Health Organization (WHO) is considering using an “electronic vaccination certificate” to travel amid a coronavirus pandemic, a WHO official said, adding that WHO urges countries not to issue “passports. of immunity “to those who recover from Cov. -19.

“We are closely monitoring the potential of technology in the fight against Covid-19 and one of them is how we will work with the member states of the World Health Organization for an electronic certificate of vaccination,” said the official.

What is a health passport?

Something similar has been suggested by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), which last week announced that it was in the final stages of developing a “digital passport” mobile app that would inform airlines if international travelers had been vaccinated. . of the coronavirus.

The app aims to “get people to travel safely again,” according to IATA’s Nick Karin, “giving governments confidence that routine coronavirus testing can replace mandatory quarantine.”

In recent weeks, Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech and the University of Oxford-AstraZeneca have announced that large clinical trials have shown that these vaccines are safe and extremely effective in preventing disease.

This encouraging news has given airlines and nations hope that they will soon be able to reactivate suspended flights and redesign lucrative tourism plans.

It is observed that the health passport is a similar idea to the color QR code system applied by China.

At the same time, there is already a health passport to enter countries with diseases such as malaria, etc. The visitor must first obtain specific vaccines, registered in a yellow passport that he must show to enter the country.

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