Finance staff fear a new generation of past due debts, as it is estimated that repayment of debts that have been “frozen” due to the pandemic as of May in 12 or 24 installments is extremely difficult. Photo ΚΑΠΑΝΤΑΗΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ / ΙΝΤΙΜΕ
Government finance personnel are planning a new debt settlement in 100-120 installments for fear of creating a new generation of past due debts due to the health crisis. The debts that accumulate to begin paying in May are worrying the government, since it is impossible to meet them in 12 or 24 installments provided for by the special regulation, which was introduced specifically for the debts of the pandemic.
To the suspensions of tax and insurance liabilities that have been postponed for the spring of 2021, amounting to 1,500 million euros, we must add the debts that have not been paid and refer to personal income tax, the new suspensions that will be announced in the next days (VAT, adjustment fees and insurance contributions) in December. Practically thousands of companies and freelancers who will be looking for a step, if the parenthesis of the health crisis closes at the end of next April, they will face the old obligations of the first quarantine, the obligations of the second quarantine, but also at 20 current. and the “thaw” of bank fees. This development is very likely to create new overdue debts to the state and funds, as well as new red loans.
The pressures
The market is pushing for new debt settlements or even “cutting” the debts that have been created and, as everything shows, the Ministry of Finance is already planning a new debt settlement in 100-120 installments, which may include debts that do not they only concern the period of the pandemic. In any case, even before final decisions are made, institutions will be informed about the government’s intentions, which, however, opposes favorable regulations since, in its opinion, they inflate overdue debts. Of course, the financial staff has in their hands the statistics of the latest regulation of 120 installments that was initially established under SYRIZA and improved by the current government, which show an increase in the collection of old debts (those created from 2019 and before ). but also a great reduction in the rate of creation of new debts.
At the same time, the institutions realize that in such a difficult period, and with the visible risk of multiple “locks” in the market, it is difficult to pay back old debts in 12 or 24 installments and at the same time service the debts. current obligations, at the time. In essence, companies affected by a crisis will start over.
It is indicative that today tax and insurance debts exceed 140,000 million euros and if the Government does not proceed with a courageous new regulation, they will swell, which will lead to new forced seizures of accounts and of course to an increase of debts in about 5,000 million euros in total. , according to sources from the Ministry of Finance.
In 2021 the decisions
Final government decisions will be announced in the new year, and this in the event that the government announces a new debt settlement, currently limited payments to tax authorities and insurance funds are expected to be “frozen”. , a fact that will create enormous problems in the state budget.
It is not ruled out, however, that the financial staff, to support the companies, proceed to the arrangement under the most favorable conditions of the first state loans, “cutting” the amount to be repaid.