Your local community is shocked Spetses after the news that the 22 year old BM. son of his teacher National Technical University of Athens allegedly killed one with a knife 26-year-old Spetsioti, after a fight they had for an unknown reason so far.
The incident, as reported in protothema.gr the deputy mayor of Spetses, Spyros Fardeloswho also turns out to be a relative of the victim, happened on Saturday night outside the settlement, in back of the island, some distance from the luxurious home of the professor’s family. According to Mr. Fardelos, “There is no longer any doubt that it is a criminal act, as this also demonstrated the conclusion of the forensic examination. The perpetrator wounded the victim with a knife to the abdomen. He tried to escape, but his body was found nearby. “.
A group of young people who located the 26-year-old in bloody on the ground, next to his camera, they assumed it was lamination and then they called the police. Still others claim that the wrong impression how are you rolling for do not reveal the criminal act.
Confirmed information indicates that the author initially pursued the victim with a pistol and then stabbed him in the abdomen. The 26-year-old unfortunate died at 11 p.m. in the island’s medical office where he had been transferred.
Eyewitnesses to the fight The two young men then told authorities exactly what had happened, revealing that the perpetrator of the murder was the professor’s son. According to the forensic report, the victim died of uncontrollable bleeding. The author was arrested and is expected to appear before the prosecutor tomorrow. His funeral The 26-year-old will be tomorrow at 11.00. in the cemetery of Day of a saint.
Criminologist Spyros Dimitriou, who took a civil action on behalf of the victim’s family, stated: “I was commissioned by the mother of the unfortunate and minor who was the victim of this horrible criminal act to perform the show in support of the murder charge allegedly committed by the perpetrator. The mother of the victim, to my knowledge, has the full support and cooperation of the entire local community of Spetses and the Municipal Authority and is left in the hands of the Greek Justice with confidence and certainty for the punishment of the perpetrator. “.
And I add: “I want to point out that I was shocked by the initial announcement of the death of the 26-year-old as a victim of a car accident to finally accept very soon that it is a cold and barbarous criminal act..
The lawyer Spyros Dimitriou
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