Christmas gift 2020: On the real salary the payment to the employees.


In particular, regarding Christmas gift, The Giannis Vroutsis He stressed that it will be calculated based on the real salary paid and will be paid by the companies-employers on 12/21 according to current legislation.

The proportion of the gift corresponding to the days on which the employees’ contract was suspended or the employees had joined the “COOPERATION” program will be paid by the State directly to the employees through the “PS. INSTRUMENTS”.

Calculate the amount of the Christmas gift

Everybody employees employed in the private sector with dependent employment relationshipindefinite or part-time, full-time or part-time to any employer entitled to a Christmas gift. Earlier this year than any other year will be paid Christmas gift to the unemployed.

The estimated term of the Christmas gift begins from May 1 to December 31 of each year, that is, 237 calendar days for employees with a dependent employment relationship.

Employees whose employment relationship with the employer lasted uninterruptedly from May 1 to December 31 of each year are entitled to the full contribution equivalent to a monthly salary for employees and with 25 salaries for those who are paid with salary. The increase in the vacation allowance is added to the gross amount of the monthly salary.

For employees whose employment relationship did not last throughout the aforementioned period, that is, from May 1 to December 31, the Christmas gift corresponds to the corresponding duration. In this case, the Christmas gift is calculated as follows: 2/25 of the monthly salary or 2 salaries -depending on how they are paid- for every 19 calendar days of the employment relationship. Even employees who have worked less than 19 days are entitled to a portion of the gift.

The Christmas gift is subject to contributions in favor of IKA, Payroll Tax.

The Information Center for Employees and Unemployed (ΚΕΠΕΑ) from GSEE created special online applications, which allows employees to calculate the Christmas gift to which they are entitled: The application is located at:
