Teachers, students and parents complain that only in the first hour they were able to connect normally to the webex platform. The Ministry talks about individual cases. Education. SYRIZA: The fiasco continues, Kerameos is celebrating.
After the collapse of the Webex platform that took place a few days ago in secondary education, serious problems are now emerging with e-learning in primary and kindergartens.
Complaints from various parts of Greece point out that only in the first hour (from 2 pm to 3 pm) teachers and young students were able to connect normally to the platform. However, as of 3pm, most were unable to access the platform login or the login was temporary and then the system would discard them.
Even when some people managed to connect for a few minutes, they complained that they had no picture or sound (or the sound was very poor quality).
For their part, however, sources from the Ministry of Education spoke of “individual cases” that face problems in their connection and argued that there is no problem centrally, neither in the Panhellenic School Network, nor in the webex platform. According to the same sources, Today at 15:51, “more than 47,000 Primary and Kindergarten departments corresponding to 700,000 students were connected.” However, it is observed that the total number of primary school and kindergarten pupils amounts to 722,851, while the total number of departments reaches 46,751. Of course, the number of classes is higher, since the teachers are also online for testing.
Previously, the Ministry spoke of “continuing to improve everyone’s access to distance education” and stated, among other things, that “more than 90,000 mobile devices (laptops, tablets) have already been secured for students and teachers through NSRF and private donations However, teachers and parents state that they have not received any relevant devices from the Ministry.
SYRIZA: The fiasco continues, Kerameans are celebrating
Once again, distance education does not work and thousands of students are left in the air. Unfortunately, as Ms Kerameos has managed, the news would work. The fiasco for students, parents and teachers continues and Ms. Kerameos is celebrating “Koumoundourou comments harshly on the current problems.