Extraordinary help: The blocked decision, who will get and how much money – Examples | ECONOMY


Announcements of emergency aid to homes are scheduled for Wednesday or Thursday at the latest, which was deemed not to have received enough support from March until now.

According to information, yesterday another meeting -probably the last- of the financial staff with the staff of Megaro Maximos was held and there are only a few final technical details to “lock” the aid. As a one-time € 400 grant for the long-term unemployed has already been announced, the burden will fall on private sector workers and professionals.

“There is a dividend when you have a surplus.” There is no surplus right now, so this is an extraordinary revenue boost, “said a government official, trying to lower the bar on expectations.

The amounts that the suspended employees will receive with a salary of 800 euros

What he clarified is that the participation of the State Budgets in the Christmas Gifts of the suspended employees will be calculated based on the 534 euros of the special compensation, that is, the real salary they received during the suspension period and not their nominal. According to the corresponding ministries of Labor and Finance, the great mass of suspended workers is below 800 euros, while many of them work part-time, so they will eventually receive a larger Christmas Gift.

For example, an employee with a salary of 800 euros, who has been suspended since August, will receive:

  • Christmas gift 319.30 euros from your employer for the period May-July, calculated on the nominal salary of 800 euros.
  • Christmas gift 356 euros from the General State Budget for the August-December period, calculated on the real salary of 534 euros.

In total, your Gift reaches 675.30 euros, instead of the 833.33 euros that you would have received if your contract had not been suspended, however this difference of 158.03 euros is exceeded by the 266 euros that you will receive in December as an extraordinary increase of the special compensation of 534 euros for November (the infamous “800ari”).
