A 47-year-old Greek captain left his last breath on the “Kingfisher D” freighter with the flag of the Marshall Islands. The ship arrived empty cargo from the port of “BEJAIA” in Algeria to the anchorage in the port of Lavrio, with 22 crew members, of which 5 were Greeks.
The port authority was immediately informed and as soon as the cargo ship docked in the port, it went to the vessel where it received the unfortunate man with the EKAB rescuers to confirm his death.
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His body was transported to the Popular Hospital for an autopsy-necropsy. We also had a tragedy in the early hours of the morning in Neos Kosmos with a 65-year-old man who was carried out dead after a fire in his apartment.
At the same time it was ordered with the departure of the freighter since its current composition does not cover its minimum safe composition. The incident occurred on the night of Sunday, October 18.
Famous Greek actor killed during an event!
The theatrical world of Corinth has been poorer since Saturday night, when suddenly, in the middle of an event, the actor died Elias Lekkas, one of the most important amateur actors in the area.
Elias Lekkas was in Dimini where an event dedicated to Dimini’s writers was taking place. Another shock to the art world after the loss of a legendary actor.
He recited the poem, received the warm applause of all those present and collapsed and traveled forever to the Los Angeles neighborhood, spreading immense pain to friends, family, associates and colleagues.
Elias Lekkas had associated his name with the Perigiali Theater where he had distinguished himself in separate performances indelibly written in the memory of us all.
As “Fonias” he had given an acting recital, winning critics and awards. The starting sequence will take place today, Monday, October 19, at 4:00 pm, in in. Assumption of the Virgin Zevgolatiou.