The coronavirus alarm has also sounded in a nursing home in Agios Stefanos, with two employees and an old woman to be positive to the deadly virus.
It’s about a 88-year-old woman, which is asymptomatic. Earlier on Monday (10/19) she was transferred to the hospital. Two other workers also tested positive for the virus and were isolated in their homes, while there is anxiety in Glyfada.
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EODY had come in for a test on September 16, was called again as a precaution by the owner and arrived last Thursday. He did a quick test and it came back positive for a 33-year-old employee.
According to STAR on Monday, the director of the elderly care unit ordered another 100 rapid tests and thus found that another two, the elderly woman and another employee, were trapped.
It should be noted that in the first phase of the coronavirus, during the quarantine period, the person in charge took the initiative and the guests and employees were locked up in the asylum for 65 days in order to avoid contacts that could endanger the elderly.
10-day padlock on a nursing home in Ioannina by order of Hardalia
By order of Nikos Hardalias enter 10 days quarantine nursing home in Ioannina.
Due to a high confirmed epidemiological burden in a care center for the elderly in Ioannina, after the relevant inspections, by order of the Deputy Minister of Civil Protection and Crisis Management, Nikos Hardalias, a decision of the Secretary General of Civil Protection, Vassilios Papageorgiou , and the In the instant control S, that spotlight is set restrictive meters for urgent reasons of serious risk to public health and, in particular, to limit the spread and effects of COVID-19.
- The possibility of entering and leaving the aforementioned healthcare center is suspended, with the exception of the staff, who with the care of the administration will be rotated and transferred according to the instructions of EODY.
- The supply and provision of basic needs (food, medicine, etc.) in the aforementioned care center will be carried out by the providers, without the possibility of entering it, observing all the necessary hygiene measures.
- The Hellenic Police is in charge of supervising and taking any action necessary to ensure the implementation of these measures.
The above restrictive measures are valid for 10 days from 10-14-2020 and time 21.00 a 10-24-2020 and time 21.00.