Wood, torture and chains in Islamic schools – Newsbeast


The BBC News investigation in Arabic lasted two years and recently paid off.

The network managed to enter with a hidden camera Islamic schools from Khartoum, where he first recorded the sounds of chains that young children wore on their feet.

The BBC had information about abuses in religious schools and decided to investigate them.

And he tells us today that beatings, psychological violence and even sexual abuse prevail there. And we are talking about 30,000 such Islamic schools operating throughout Sudan and teaching students to memorize the Koran.

Poor families tend to send their children there rather than to normal schools. the BBC He entered 23 such schools in Sudan and recorded with a hidden camera what was eerie.

And he even saw five-year-olds beaten mercilessly and chained, “like animals”, as he himself observes.

“They can tie us all up, in groups of six or seven, and force us to run in circles. When someone falls, they have to get back up, because they keep hitting us. They tell us this is for our good, ”said a boy with deep wounds around the chains on his legs.

The BBC talks about the worst experience at such a respectable Islamic school in Darfur in 2018. Where he saw the teacher spank a child more than 30 times. Sometimes even children are sent to the hospital when the torture is over.

In such severe abuse case, two boys tried to break it. They were caught and whipped for days. THE policeman Two teachers were arrested, but they were released on bail and the school continued to function normally.

The BBC even reports rapes, whether from teachers to children or from older children to younger students. Foot chains are common in all of them, as they are considered pedagogical.

The Sudanese interim government now controls Islamic schools, and Religious Affairs Minister Nasreddine Mufreh has promised reforms.

The documentary “Schools That Chain Boys” will be available from today on the BBC News YouTube channel in Arabic …
