Golden Dawn trial: prosecutor proposes to reject Lagos HELLAS request


The request to exclude the members of the court, presented by Giannis Lagos, must be rejected, proposes the prosecutor, in the Golden Dawn trial.

Previously, the president of the new composition of the court that was constituted to hear Lagos’s request was expelled, as she stated that she was being hampered, since she was the second deputy special investigator in the main interrogation conducted in the Golden Dawn case.

While the new composition was gone, the Giannis Lagos, provoking, as always, he was heard to say: “Very well done, one by one we send them to their homes. “

It is observed that the court shortly before passing to the sentencing stage, stopped, since the dismissal of the judges – except for the prosecutor – was requested by Giannis Lagos. Another judicial composition was in charge of the examination of this request.

If the claim filed by Giannis Lagos is rejected, the court will normally immediately move on to the next and final phase of the trial, that of sentencing for goldsmiths convicted of criminal organization.

No relief for the leading group and most of the Golden Dawn MPs

Previously, the court announced its decision not to recognize any reduction in the leading group of the criminal organization and in the majority of the deputies. A decision that heralded harsh penalties for the convicted gold prospectors.

At the end and while the court was preparing to move on to the next phase, that of determining the sentences, Giannis Lagos appeared, who in none of the previous critical phases of the trial of the case, much less recently, had not given the In court, asking him to speak, Lagos claimed the court was “biased against us,” and the president asked him what he meant by bias and whether he represented anyone other than himself.

His attorney, Konstantinos Plevris, filed a motion to disqualify members of the court, in addition to the prosecutor. Taking the floor, the lawyer for Ioannis Lagos said that he requests the exclusion of the members of the court, except the headquarters prosecutor. As he said, there are suspicions of court influence by all parties and the media, including by the President of the Republic and the Union of Judges and Prosecutors!

His son, Thanos Plevris, also commented sharply on attorney Konstantinos Plevris’s position, writing on Twitter: “Democracy ensured a fair trial and its deniers were found guilty of the crimes they committed.”

