Golden Dawn: 83% of Greeks say “yes” to the sentence; 76% see a fascist threat


The decision of the Court of Justice is completely identical to the common sense of justice, since 83% of citizens express satisfaction with the conviction of the criminal organization “Golden Dawn”. However, the vast majority estimate that the fascist threat has not definitively passed with this high percentage, since 76% continue to believe that the risk of the fascist threat persists, with the greatest concerns being those who are located in the broadest progressive space. .

According to a Prorata poll, the majority of society (43%) believe that the majority of supporters of the criminal organization would support a far-right formation in the next elections, 23% who would vote for the Greek Solution, while the 21% believe that Golden Dawn supporters would overwhelmingly support New Democracy.

Citizens appreciate Greek Justice and Magda Fyssa’s personal struggle for justice are the factors that contributed most decisively to the condemnation of the organization, while secondly it is estimated that an important role was played by the socio-political circle that was gradually building by the antifascists. .

The main conclusions


The vast majority of society (83%) was quite or completely satisfied with the court decision, while the majority of those who were dissatisfied came from the broader range of the right and the extreme right.

The vast majority of society does not seem reassured but rather extremely cautious in the face of some voices that argue that the condemnation of the neo-Nazis has led to the total defeat of their ideas. Indicative of this, that 76% continue to hold the opinion that the danger of the fascist threat has not completely disappeared, with greater intensity of fears, among those who are located in the broader progressive space.

The majority of society (43%) estimates that the majority of supporters of the criminal organization would support a far-right formation in the next elections, 23% who would vote for the Greek Solution, while 21% believe that the Supporters of the Golden Dawn most supported the New Democracy.

21% of the public thinks that if Golden Dawn chooses to stay focused on its political agenda, away from illegal criminal acts, it could be a “socially useful political party.” Most of those who hold this point of view are politically positioned in the broader area of ​​the right.

The vast majority of society does not seem reassured but rather extremely cautious in the face of some voices that argue that the condemnation of the neo-Nazis has led to the total defeat of their ideas. Indicative of this, that 76% continue to hold the opinion that the danger of the fascist threat has not completely disappeared, with greater intensity of fears, among those who are located in the broader progressive space.

The majority of society (43%) estimates that the majority of supporters of the criminal organization would support a far-right formation in the next elections, 23% who would vote for the Greek Solution, while 21% believe that the Supporters of the Golden Dawn most supported the New Democracy.

21% of the public thinks that if Golden Dawn chooses to stay focused on its political agenda, away from illegal criminal acts, it could be a “socially useful political party.” Most of those who hold this point of view are politically positioned in the broader area of ​​the right.
