Student demonstration: episodes outside the Ministry of Education


The episodes are underway outside the Ministry of Education, where a student rally is taking place.

The police threw paralyzing chemicals and students during the student rally.

It is observed that students, teachers and parents met outside the Ministry of Education with the main request, among other things, for the reduction of students by department.

With central demands to form small groups of students, hire teachers and cleaning staff, students, parents and teachers are organizing a new meeting outside the Ministry of Education.

What do the students ask for?

The students in a statement emphasize that the amendment on distance education and the absences of students participating in squats does not discourage them, stating that “students united like a fist will again respond to their blackmail.”

At the same time, the students raise other issues, such as the abolition of the Bank of Subjects, the improvement of the facilities of the building, the strengthening of the specialties in EPAL and the support of the Schools of Music and Art.

Three hour stop by OLME

On the student side, teachers support, adopting their demands, with the Federation of Secondary Education Officials inviting its members to participate, announcing a three-hour facilitating strike (11: 00-14: 00) and emphasizing that ” our students have correct “:” “With them we claim the obvious, clean schools with all the necessary cleaning staff, fewer students in the classrooms, massive hiring of teachers, health and safety everywhere, massive free tests for all.”

The Attica Parents’ Federation also calls for the mobilization of students, asking the parent-guardian associations to make similar decisions.

Dozens of primary unions, associations and educational bodies have also called for mobilization.
