MEGA Exclusive: Unimaginable Images of Overcrowding in “Evangelisms”


Evangelism 14:30. A quarter after the start of the vigil and in the only entrance the inseparable prevails. The crowd is such that a patient stumbles.

A few minutes later, Aron – Aron exits the queue as soon as he is informed that a citizen who had left as a suspect in a Covid case was almost at his side.

A doctor tries in vain to bring order to the chaos that reigns outside the largest hospital in the country, which is also a reference center for the coronavirus.

For more than three hours the sidewalk outside the “Annunciation” could be characterized as the ideal point of transmission, since despite the masks, patients with any disease were one on top of the other.

The situation at Alexandra Hospital, another referral hospital, was completely different. Those responsible had taken the necessary measures so that suspected cases and common patients were not contacted.

In any case, it is absolutely necessary to separate patients from the moment they are waiting at the hospital entrance, as the wait could be fatal for them.

See the exclusive MEGA report
