Coronavirus – All news: Today the first death of an immigrant in the country from coronavirus was registered.
Specifically, the asylum seeker came from the Malakasa hospitality structure. He was Afghan, 61 years old and father of two children.
He was hospitalized at the Evangelism Hospital.
Previously, how one met 39-year-old woman came to Laiko Hospital, due to complications from the coronavirus.
According to reports had an underlying disease.
Meanwhile, the coronavirus cases in Greece amount to 315, according to yesterday’s information from EODY. Of these 59 are associated with known confluences and 19 were located after controls at the gates of the country. The total number of cases is 17,228, of which 55.8% are men.
2,783 (16.2%) are considered travel-related abroad and 7,131 (41.4%) are related to a known case.
68 of our fellow citizens are being treated by intubation. Their average age is 69 years. 16 (23.5%) are women and the rest are men.
86.8% intubated, have an underlying disease or are older than 70 years. 199 patients have been discharged from the ICU.
Finally, we have 7 more registered deaths and 376 deaths in total in the country. 140 (37.2%) women and the rest men.
The average age of our deceased fellow citizens was 78 years. and 96.8% had an underlying disease and / or were 70 years or older.
Murder in September: 107 dead in 26 days
The coronavirus has been “galloping” in recent weeks in our country. According to the clues in the first 26 days of September a total of 107 people died of the coronavirus, while daily cases remain at high levels.
Last April, 90 people lost their lives to the coronavirus, but sadly, September far exceeds the previous negative record.
THE total number of the dead in our country has reached 376.
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