Bloomberg: How can Merkel ease tensions between Greece and Turkey? WORLD


Bloomberg reports in an article that, unlike previous Greek-Turkish crises, in which the current US president mediated to avoid a Greek-Turkish conflict, this role has now been assumed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

“Turkey appears to be isolated as Greece acquires more and more allies (Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, France), which favors Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s nationalist rhetoric,” Bloomberg notes in an opinion piece, underscoring the view that ” Unlike previous Greek-Turkish crises, in which the current US president mediated to avoid a Greek-Turkish conflict, this role has now been assumed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
However, despite their mediation and a temporary truce, the tension continues unabated, with the main objective of exploiting the energy reserves of natural gas in the disputed waters of the Eastern Mediterranean. “The United States seems reluctant and incapable of preventing an armed conflict, and the chancellor must intensify her efforts.”


Merkel’s influence and the proposed solution

Referring to the Chancellor’s influence over President Erdo .an, Bloomberg notes: “Part of his influence is evident, as Germany is one of Turkey’s main trading partners and currently holds the Presidency of the European Union.” One of the proposed solutions is Turkey’s participation in the Eastern Mediterranean Natural Gas Council, from which it is excluded due to its disagreement with Cyprus.

He also proposes that the chancellor mediate to convince his European partners that access to gas from the Eastern Mediterranean is the best alternative to Russia’s energy independence and to convince Turkey and Cyprus that Europe is the most reasonable market for natural gas. , while the shortest route passes through both countries ”.
