Concentration is currently taking place in Constitution, by parents and followers who oppose him use of mask στα schools and opposes the imposition of protection and welfare measures in schools.
It all started with an online call against government measures for the use of masks. Your “opponents” mask with its motto: “THERE ARE NO MANDATORY TESTS” and “THERE IS NO MANDATORY MASK IN SCHOOLS” they want to send their own message while the daily cases remain in triple digits.
One of the online mobilization posters
“No” to masks and in Thessaloniki
A similar gathering takes place in front of his statue. Of Alexander the Great, in Thessaloniki New Beach, with protesters claiming they want to protect their children.
In accordance with thestival.gr, portion gathered in black clothes verbally attacked television crews who went to cover the event, while later the same people took advantage and expelled two people who were supposedly foreigners.
None of the hundreds gathered wears a crown mask.
Your presence policeman It is very discreet, while those gathered have exceeded 300 people
The video talks about mothers who participated in the protest:
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