Vitriol attack: Ioanna in a house without mirrors – The 35-year-old girl’s DNA was found in … – News


Ioanna, after the vitriol attack she received outside her work in Kallithea, returned to her home, which is now mirrorless.

After 2.5 months of hospitalization and consecutive surgeries, she is still unable to look in the mirror and accept her new image, while visiting her doctors weekly to assess her condition.

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“He is not in a good psychological state,” his lawyer, Apostolos Lyras, told Mega Live News. phone calls and photos “.

DNA found in the taxi carrying the 35-year-old

Meanwhile, the 35-year-old woman who planned and carried out the caustic liquid attack on Ioanna is being held in women’s prisons in Thebes.

The information indicates that she has decided in the coming days that she will cross the investigator’s threshold to apologize, giving her own version of the tragic incident and explaining the reasons that led her to act.

In addition, sources from the forensic laboratories report that in addition to the caustic liquid on her coat, DNA was also found in the taxi that was transporting her.

As for her stay in prison, the 35-year-old is working to reduce her sentence, while in the near future she will receive a visit from her parents for the first time.
