SYRIZA’s “fire” against the “common citizen” Skertsou: “Mr. Mitsotakis must fire him” – Document


  1. SYRIZA’s “fire” against the “common citizen” Skertsou: “Mr. Mitsotakis must fire him” Document
  2. Akis Skertsos against the prosecutor in the Topaloudi trial: what the deputy minister wrote despite Prime Minister NewsIT
  3. Skertsos for the prosecutor in the Topaloudi trial: the courts are not popular in the afternoon, empathy is different and identification iefimerida is different
  4. Topaloudi trial: if possible – Akis Skertsos “instructs” the judges how … Document
  5. Skertsos: Courts are not popular this afternoon – Indirect comment on the prosecutor in the Topaloudi LiFO trial
  6. See full coverage in the Google News app