Koronoios: five new cases in Larissa – 30 in total in Nea Smyrni


From the first positive case, they were found in total 8 contacts and so far they have given a sample of 6 of them (one was negative).

Now the results are expected for the other two people, according to onlarissa.gr.

“We are at a critical juncture, weighing the data on a 12-hour basis the reserve is highPreviously, the Undersecretary of State for Civil Protection said Nikos Hardals.

At the same time, he thanked the residents of the settlements that were quarantined in Larissa. According to the undersecretary, Conditions are met.

It is observed that the organization plan of the area is progressing rapidly.

In the morning, special teams created seven stalls, which will serve as feeding points for area residents with food and other items.

More specifically, supply points are established on the streets.: Socrates and Plato, Archimedes and Plato, Therma Plato and Boeotia, Danae and Airport, Danae and Archimedes, Rodias and Karamanlis.

The municipality of Larissa has reached an agreement with Supermarket operating in the larger area and area residents can communicate, daily from 8 a.m. until 5 pm. with supermarkets for orders. Then, the managers of the supermarkets, after the consultation, will deliver it at a specific time, in one of the six designated points, where they will be paid in cash or by credit / debit card.

Video: Koronoios: the spread of Covid 19 in Greece with numbers (April 11)
