The 40% rental discount statement is available at supportemployees.yeka.gr and Ergani. All steps for declaration
On the platform supportemployees.yeka.gr now they can declare The details of his house and his landlord, the employees of the companies that are affected by KAD and have been suspended. by your employer to receive it 40% discount Rent in April. Respectively available in the system “Ergani” the possibility that companies that rent real estate for their installation and that are seriously affected by the coronavirus epidemic, make the declaration responsible for the exemption from the obligation to pay 40% of the total rent for the month of April.
It is recalled that an amendment was recently passed, according to which employees and employers of companies affected by KAD and not only those who have closed with a state mandate are now entitled to rent reduction.
Employees and employers now enter the respective platforms and declare the details of their landlord. Then they have the right to pay 40% of their rent. Attention Employees are entitled to the deduction if they rent a first home and employers rent their professional home.
They are also entitled to a 40% reduction only employees who are suspended from contract and not all company employees operating under a state mandate.
For example :
at least one company with 20 employees, 10 of which have been suspended. These 10 employees who have been suspended are entitled to a 40% discount on rent and 800 euros of special compensation. The remaining 10 are entitled to receive their wages and must pay the rent at 100%.
Meanwhile, today, Monday, April 13, is the last day of the three-day correction, during which the possibility of changes, corrections, additions and revocation of responsible statements by employers and employees is given. Due to the fixes, the platform supportemployees.yeka.gr It was the weekend and is still open today for all those who want to make a new statement, without the “cutter” of the last digit of the TIN. This has led to significant traffic on the platform, which has previously caused operational problems. Until midnight:
Employees of the platform supportemployees.yeka.gr
- Correct details of the declaration, such as the IBAN number, the first rental data of the house, etc.
- Fill in the details of renting a main residence in the event of a change in the subordination category of the company: employer from the commercial activity affected by KAD to the commercial activity of KAD that was suspended by order of the public authority.
- withdraw the statement of responsibility in case you do not want to be subject to financial aid because, in the meantime, your employment contract was terminated by voluntary resignation.
Employers at Ergani
- correct the details of the responsible statement,
- They inadvertently revoke the declaration of suspension of an employee’s employment contract (in essence, it is as if the suspension was not carried out, it was abolished)
- add additional employees to the contract / employment suspension,
- add data related to the professional leasing of real estate
- correct information on the professional leasing of real estate,
- correct or change the category of business activity affected by KAD to KAD business activity that has been suspended by order of a public authority.
In the “Ergani” system, other changes were made to employers’ suspension declarations to include the latest changes and the conversion of the company’s situation from sub-operative to closed and the prevailing condition in branches. Details:
Closed business: a business whose commercial operation (partial or total) has been suspended by order of the Public Authority. A business is characterized as “Closed” with
a) KAD of main activity on 03/20/2020,
b) KAD secondary activity with the highest gross income based on the E3 statement for the year 2018,
c) KAD of the main activity at least one of its branches
Attention, in case the company is included in the state mandates, the suspensions of the employment contracts are valid from March 15 to April 30, regardless of when the employer will make the declaration to “Ergani”.
Affected business: a business that suffers significantly from the effects of the health crisis. A company is characterized as “affected” by:
a) KAD of main activity on 03/20/2020,
b) KAD secondary activity with the highest gross income based on the E3 statement for the year 2018.
Caution requires two points:
In the event that the company joins the KAD-based sub-operators, the suspensions of the employment contracts are valid from the day of the presentation of the employer’s declaration to “Ergani” and the same day of notification to the employed and last 45 days.
Companies that can be classified as closed (branch-based) and as affected have the option. If they join closed contracts, the main change is that their employees’ contracts will be considered suspended for the period from March 15 to April 30, while if they are considered affected by the 45 days that the employer declares and each time I declared it.
This option was added to the system since 4/11 and refers to both initial / supplementary declarations and correct repetition of declarations submitted after activation of functionality in the “Ergani” system for branches on 4/6 / 2020.
As of 11.4.2020, both categories (closed or affected) give birth to the employer the benefit of the rent deduction. In both categories, the employer’s lessee has the benefits of the financial facilities with respect to its tax obligations, and in both categories, the employees are also entitled to an income deduction.