Young politicians: they will continue to listen to these politicians under 30 in 2021


Young SPD politician Lilly Blaudszun

The young SPD politician Lilly Blaudszun

Photo: Jens Büttner / dpa

“It has always been my goal to be taken seriously with my opinion, which I hope is also that of a broader generation of Gen Z.”

Left MP Marco Böhme

Left MP Marco Böhme

Photo: DIE LINKE. Saxony

Saxony is meanwhile a failed state, an imposition of democracy, reason and a progressive life. I want to change that. “

CDU Councilor Lilli Fischer

CDU Councilor Lilli Fischer

Photo: Paul Blau

“The pandemic should not be an electoral issue. I think we are rightly going to talk about climate protection and climate change. “

The politics of the FDP Ria Schröder

The politics of the FDP Ria Schröder

Photo: Carmen Jaspersen / dpa

“I want to make sure that young people, and especially young women, participate in our democracy, get involved, run for candidates and argue.”

Young green politician Hanna Steinmüller

Young green politician Hanna Steinmüller

Photo: Britta Pedersen / Picture Alliance

“In addition to fighting the climate crisis, we must finally make sure that everyone in Germany can participate.”
