“You let out the plague”


The United States has passed the bitter 200,000 death mark in the corona pandemic. President Trump’s response is another attack on China.

After surpassing the 200,000 death mark in the corona pandemic in the US, US President Donald Trump has again blamed China for the spread of the virus. “The Chinese should have stopped it at their border, they should never have allowed it to spread all over the world,” Trump said Tuesday night (local time) at the White House. The 200,000 dead are “terrible”. Without the crisis management of his administration, the United States would have “two million, two and a half million and three million” dead.

“We have saved millions of lives,” Trump said during a campaign appearance in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. “You let out the disease,” the president added, referring to China. “It’s the China virus, not the coronavirus. Corona sounds like a place in Italy, a beautiful place. It’s Corona. No, it’s the China virus, they don’t want to say it, you know, the radical left, they don’t want to say it.”

By Tuesday morning, Trump had already raised serious accusations against China in the United Nations general debate. “We have to hold the nation that unleashed this plague on the world: China,” Trump said in his video message to the UN General Assembly.

The crown pandemic also determines the US election campaign.

The death toll in the US since the start of the corona pandemic had risen to more than 200,000 by Tuesday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. The threshold of 150,000 victims was reached at the end of July. More than 6.8 million infections with the Sars-CoV-2 pathogen have been confirmed in the United States since the start of the pandemic. Critics accuse Republican Trump of trying to divert attention from his own failure to fight the pandemic with his escalating attacks on China ahead of the Nov.3 election.

Trump’s presidential challenger, Democrat Joe Biden, said: “We need a president who faces the problem honestly and leads. This president has shown that he cannot do both.” Biden also criticized a statement from Trump at a campaign rally Monday night in Ohio where the president said, “It affects virtually no one,” referring to the virus and young people.

House spokeswoman Nancy Pelosi accused Trump of “fatal misinformation and negligence.” The fact that so many people died is even more heartbreaking because it didn’t have to turn out that way. “The president’s disdain for science, government, and the health of the American people has resulted in a historic national tragedy,” Pelosi said.

This is the situation of the crown around the world in comparison.

The number of victims in the United States, a country of 330 million people, is the highest in the world to date in absolute terms. Brazil currently ranks second with more than 137,000 deaths, followed by India with around 89,000 victims. However, in relation to the number of inhabitants, the number of victims is higher in Peru, Belgium and Spain than in the United States. In Peru, for example, according to Johns Hopkins, around 98 people died per 100,000 inhabitants, in Belgium 87, in Spain 65. In the United States it has so far been 61 people per 100,000 inhabitants, comparable to Italy (59). In Germany, however, there have been only 11 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants so far.

The Sars-CoV-2 pathogen can trigger Covid-19 disease, which can be life-threatening, especially in the elderly or immunosuppressed. The number of new corona infections per day remains high in the US More recently, about 40,000 new confirmed infections were reported each day – sometimes more, sometimes fewer. According to experts, that number would have to drop below 10,000 to control the pandemic.

Given the devastating results, the presidential election should also turn into a vote on fighting the pandemic. Multiple polls have shown that a majority of voters are more likely than Trump to trust former Vice President Biden to control the pandemic. Biden has also been ahead of Trump for months in national polls. But much can change before Election Day, and national polls have only limited informational value due to the complex electoral system.
