Xavier Naidoo: Vortex around the Dortmund concert – AfD: “Against human dignity”


AfD is outraged by the threatened concert at the Westfalenpark by singer Xavier Naidoo.

© Alexandra Wey / Keystone, Markus Scholz / dpa, collage: RUHR24

Xavier Naidoo is known for his conspiracy and racism theories. AfD is now outraged that his concert in Dortmund is at risk because of this.

  • Xavier Naidoo Asked earlier as a musician, he is now known for his racism and confusing conspiracy theories.
  • More recently, he questioned the existence of the coronavirus *.
  • That the city Dortmund The musician has been rejected for this, he is now in the AfD for harsh criticism.

Dortmund – antisemitic statements and crude conspiracy theories – instead of his music, Xavier Naidoo * (48) recently drew attention to himself in a completely different way. His partly undemocratic and racist statements are causing more and more outrage, also in Dortmund. As RUHR24.de * reports, the AfD but I don’t understand why

AfD outraged: Dortmund distances himself from Xavier Naidoo

A few days ago, the city of Dortmund publicly distanced itself from the singer Xavier Naidoo *. Even his concert in Dortmund in September it is on the verge. That takes place AfDBundestag MP Thomas Ehrhorn (61) however awful (all articles on Dortmund at RUHR24).

Ehrhorn, for him AfD in German Bundestag He is outraged. Above all, he criticizes the “announcement of the Dortmund Lord Mayor the artist in his city Xavier Naidoo Such an approach reminded him too much of the “bad times of the GDR” when nasty artists were still prohibited from performing.

Coronavirus: authenticity questioned by Xavier Naidoo

Xavier Naidoo he had openly shown sympathy for the Reich Citizens Movement in recent months. As an advocate of some questionable conspiracy theory, Xavier Naidoo denied climate change in addition to the corona virus *. However, an artist concert should take place in September Dortmund occur

Video: Xavier Naidoo does not believe in the existence of the corona virus

But after a video appeared on Thursday (April 23) on the Internet, in which the artist also verified the “authenticity” of Corona virus doubted, the city wants Dortmund Prevent the appearance. According to the city, public statements “with a racist and undemocratic tendency” Dortmund in a press release, incompatible with the “character of a cosmopolitan, diverse and tolerant city”.

Dortmund: Sierau canceled Xavier Naidoo

Mayor of Dortmund Ullrich Sierau He also made it clear: “We do not want Xavier Naidoo * in our city, nor do we want his music fans to share their positions”, which is equivalent to canceling the concert. The city is now also negotiating with the organizer how the cancellation of the concert can be better implemented.

AfD politician Thomas Ehrhorn

© Wolfgang Kumm / dpa

According to AFD politician Thomas Ehrhorn
but that would not only violate the freedom of art and expression in the “most horrible way”, but rather hurt He too “Human dignity Naidoos and fans of his music. “The politician explains in his statement about the distancing from the city Dortmund from the musician who even saw a fundamental disregard for the constitution.

Xavier Naidoo: AfD takes the side of the musician

Already later Xavier Naidoo he had left the DSDS jury due to his controversial statements, which defended him AfD.

That too Council fraction Dortmund the AfD commented on the conflict. Ullrich Sierau join the “chorus of the ‘outraged'”. In a statement, the AfD Dortmund the mayor should not present himself as an “art censor”.

Critical nuances, according to AfDbe in Dortmund apparently not tolerated. The Greens district association supports the Dortmund city mayor’s announcement against it. They are also in favor of canceling the concert for reasons similar to those of the SPD politician.

A statement made on Monday (April 27) said: “Xavier Naidoo has been out for years as a supporter of conspiracy theories and anti-Semitic, homophobic and racist positions.” According to the Greens, there was no place for such positions in Dortmund. “Therefore, we share the mayor’s position and support the administration in its efforts not to allow the concert to take place in September.” msp

* RUHR24.de is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.
