Xavier Naidoo: hate video – he thinks Corona is a lie


Xavier Naidoo – Another video of the singer has appeared in which he causes a stir with provocative and contradictory theses. Are you serious or is it a promotion for your new album?

  • Xavier Naidoo’s videos have been appearing on the Internet for weeks.
  • In it he spreads conspiracy theories and announces his next album.
  • In his latest video, he accuses the government of wanting to kill the “old men” with the crown virus.

Xavier Naidoo does not seem to understand the monster in the camp well. Another video of him is circulating on the Internet, in which the Mannheim singer he makes crude and sometimes contradictory theses. At one point he specifically addresses the government and accuses them of withdrawing and “the old“I specifically want to kill. The next moment ask if the current Coronavirus pandemic it’s real at all After all, you wouldn’t have seen any evidence to prove the danger of the virus.

Generally speaking, the video can be seen as the next episode of the current one. Xavier Naidoo Video See Try to attract as much attention as possible with your provocative statements and stay in the headlines. After all, you can save yourself so many promotional and advertising costs for your next album.

Xavier Naidoo: the government kills “the old men” with the corona virus

In his latest scandal video Naidoo alone again and filming in a parked car. The sun shines through the windows and out of the world it still seems to be in order. Sitting in the car Naidoo with nose mask and mirrored sunglasses. The 48-year-old man does not fight much and goes straight to the point: “So these things here are for the ass. And I think it should now be clear to everyone that we should no longer be joking“He takes off the mask and dramatically tosses it in the front seat before starting to sing one of his own songs:”And what are you going to tell us tomorrow? What sow do you drive around town again? That means, what creates fear, grief and worry?“By now everyone knows what’s going on Naidoo He wants to go out again, even if it sounds better in the studio version of his song than live in the car.

Xavier Naidoo: I hate Spahn, Drosten and Merkel

After the short changes of musical vocal insertion Naidoo again in his monologue, which later in the video becomes a Hate flowing “You can tell us everything now. We wear masks that cause headaches.The beginning. As a result, elderly, deaf and dumb people who can no longer read lips would suffer Naidoo. “What are you doing to usHe asks in exasperation.

Dear Mr. Spahn, dear Mr. Drosten“It stops briefly.”Mrs Merkel, I’m sorry. We cannot agree with that. It doesn’t just take our economy to the wall. They are killing our old men. If I wanted to bother you, I could say that we know that you looted the pension funds and now you want as many pensioners as possible, I don’t want to say it.“It is not entirely clear how Naidoo it is up to the government to use the corona virus to kill the elderly. Because the drastic measures of the last weeks have only wanted to protect this population group. Additionally, the federal and state governments have spared no expense or effort to increase the capacity of intensive care beds in clinics, ultimately benefiting the oldest and weakest in our society. Compared to other countries, such as Italy, Spain, or the United States, Germany is still quite good at the coronavirus pandemic.

Xavier Naidoo: Is the Corona virus fake?

Between smiles Naidoo In short, he looks out the window, calls and greets his neighbor, who is enjoying the good weather, politely, and Naidoos parked car Then the singer continues his hatred: “We have to use these things and show that we have given up our brains.“He explains. The Robert Koch Institute, on the other hand, sees the masks as a useful addition to the other measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic. When using such a mask, you can reduce the risk of infecting other people It would also strengthen people’s health conscious behavior.

Naidoo He sees it differently and doubts the information from the authority for infectious diseases. “Bring us the damn test to show us that this is real. Let’s go back to our old men. My face Some people have dementia, they have no idea why they wear thisThe images of crown patients from China, Italy, and the United States do not appear to be sufficient evidence for the singer.

A new video of Xavier Naidoo is circulating on the Internet.

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Last week a video of Naidoo was published, in which it witnessed a “massive psychosis” for the German population. After these many videos of scandals, more and more colleagues are moving away from Xavier Naidoo, now also the DSDS jury Oana Nechiti?

Xavier Naidoo takes legal action against Corona regulation

You are currently killing Germany“Naidoo then calls in the last video, upset.”If I didn’t know better that they are going to lose everyone trying to do that, I would say: Wow, you did it. But you did nothing. It is only now that things really begin: We defend ourselves!“Explains Naidoo.”I personally go to court. It’s enough for me.At the time, however, he did not elaborate on his project. It has also not been clarified whether it has already taken specific legal measures.

With Heidelberg’s lawyer Bahner, who also noted obscure statements about the coronavirus pandemic Naidoo but at least a good friend from the region.

Xavier Naidoo: inconsistency and darkness: will this be the new album?

The contradictory nature of their claims makes it difficult to draw a conclusion from the video. Think Naidoothat the government is using the Corona virus Bush? Or do you think everything is drowning and lying? Probably is Naidoo because not so sure of himself. Despite all the uncertainty, Naidoo knows one thing for sure: the free promotion for his next album is more than convenient.


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