Würzburg: Corona alert! School closed, tests in pool parking lot – News Domestic


The crown situation in Bavaria is getting worse: after the massive infection by an American super spreader in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the urban areas of Rosenheim, Würzburg and Kaufbeuren have now also become hotspots. Therefore, a school in Würzburg was closed.

As the district office announced Sunday night, the X-ray high school will initially be closed through Wednesday. The reason: a teacher and a schoolboy are infected, there are several suspected cases.

The approximately 850 students and employees should now be fully screened as quickly as possible. A mobile test center will be installed in the parking lot of the Würzburg Dallenberg swimming pool.

Another high school under observation

At Wirsberg-Gymnasium, too, four classes and two upper-level courses must stay at home until students can take a negative corona test, as announced by the ministerial representative’s office for secondary schools in Lower Franconia. Authorities initially reported that there were no restrictions for primary and secondary schools, as well as secondary schools on Monday afternoon.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Würzburg has become the center of attention mainly due to the numerous infections in nursing homes. More recently, the city had repeatedly exceeded the important nationally agreed corona incidence value.

On Monday, the Würzburg State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) reported 69.60 new infections per 100,000 residents in the past seven days (as of September 14 at 8 a.m.).

Due to the high number of infections, travelers returning from a risk area must undergo two tests in Würzburg. In addition, as of Monday, a maximum of five people who do not belong to a home or are close relatives can be out together. Celebrating in public venues and facilities is prohibited.

  • Documentation at BILD.de

    Interesting too

Limit values ​​were exceeded in other Bavarian cities

Also in Rosenheim and Kaufbeuren, the limit of 50 new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants was exceeded in seven days.

For example, the so-called 7-day incidence on Saturday morning in Rosenheim was well above the threshold of 63.17. In the Swabian city of Kaufbeuren there were 61.51 new infections.
