“World of Warcraft”: alpha ray tracing shadows of “Shadowlands”


Game developer Blizzard apparently renews the technical foundation for “World of Warcraft” with the upcoming “Shadowlands” plugin. Current alpha trial versions already contain components for DirectX Raytracing (DXR) and Variable Rate Shading (VRS) to beautify graphics or increase frame rate.

The Raytracing shadow setting option can already be found in the options menu as well Website Wow head reported, but currently has no real function. Blizzard provides three levels of detail, which determine the observed light sources for shading and shadow resolution. Currently, Nvidia only supports Microsoft DXR in DirectX 12 graphics API: GeForce RTX 2000 series speeds calculation of virtual light beams via ray tracing cores, on GTX 1600 and GTX 1000, this is run via than normal shading units.

According to Reddit, lines of code for Variable Speed ​​Shading (VRS) are included in the “World of Warcraft: Shadowlands” engine files. Consequently, WoW players will be able to set hatch precision for geometry and particle effects separately in the future. VRS combines multiple pixels in one block to save performance and thus increase frame rate.

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VRS 3DMark reference feature

(Source: 3D Brand)

A reduction in shading accuracy is useful for comic-type graphics like in “World of Warcraft”, since large areas are rendered in one color and, consequently, almost no visual difference with VRS enabled should be noticeable. Currently, Nvidia’s GeForce RTX 2000 and GTX 1600 VRS series are the only ones. AMD is expected to bring both hardware ray tracing and VRS with the next generation Radeon, aka Navi 2x.


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