Within three years: public employers offer 3.5 percent


In the wage dispute in the public sector, employers have made an offer: wages will increase by 3.5 percent in three years. The unions reject this as “completely inappropriate”.

Less than a week before the third round of collective bargaining in the public sector, the federal government and municipalities submitted an offer, and they immediately received massive criticism from the unions. Employers offer a total of 3.5 percent more wages and salaries in three annual stages for the approximately 2.5 million employees. The unions consider this to be insufficient. They want to continue their warning attacks for the next week.

As announced by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Association of Local Employers’ Associations (VKA), the deadline should be extended from September 1 of this year to August 31, 2023. There should be an increase in rates for the March 1, 2021 by 1.0 percent, by March 1, 2022 by another 1.0 percent, and by March 1, 2023 by another 1.5 percent. “The first step will be linked to a minimum amount of 30 euros,” he says in a message. In addition, all employees must receive a special crown payment of 300 euros.

Subsidies for nursing professions

In addition to the linear increase for all employees, employees in the caring professions will receive 50 euros per month as a care allowance, as well as additional allowances for alternate shifts and intensive assignments. For intensive care employees who received all three assignments, this only results in a monthly salary increase of 150 euros. Together with the increase in wages, this leads to a wage increase of up to 8.5 percent. All employees of the health authorities should receive special payments of a maximum of 1,200 euros in the next two years for their special commitment in the corona pandemic, according to the employer’s offer.

Public health service specialists must also receive a monthly allowance of 150 euros. VKA chairman and negotiator Ulrich Mädge argued: “With our offer to the trade unions, we are more than clearly demonstrating that public service workers do work that is valuable and indispensable to society in the field of services of general interest. “.

“Totally disrespectful”

The ver.di and dbb negotiators, Frank Werneke and Ulrich Silberbach, however, rejected the offer as “completely inadequate”. Werneke called the offered pay increases “downright disrespectful.” Because “for small and medium incomes, a significantly higher minimum amount is required. The term is clearly too long.”

He also criticized: “In particular, the proposals for the health system are really bold. After warm words from politicians in the spring, hospital employees receive gossip from employers, while at the same time already fighting for life. of corona patients. “Demands and expectations would not be met in other areas, such as increasing the learning allowance by 100 euros or the punctual east-west alignment of the working day.

Unions are calling for a 4.8 percent pay and salary increase over a one-year period, but at least 150 euros more per month for educators, bus drivers, garbage collectors, city hall employees and many other employees. The third round of negotiations between federal government employers and municipalities, as well as worker representatives from ver.di, dbb Beamtenbund and the collective bargaining union is scheduled for Thursday and Friday of next week (22 and 23 October). In the past, the third round in public service had often proven crucial. “I am sure that we will find a conclusion in the next round of negotiations,” said Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer.

Deutschlandfunk reported on this topic in the news on October 16, 2020 at 6:00 pm
